3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

well-dug-in NVA force dropped a barrage of mortar shells on the Marines. Wall: Panel 023W/Row 047, PURVIS, Bernard George- Kia: January 27,1969 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: *****, 02Sep67 ***** Co. H&S- Received 2 incoming being the 3rd Marine Division RESERVE unit, at, Dong Ha. have been a retaliatory attack for the beating, it took at the hands of Company detonated(Mine) 1-Kia and 3-Wias *****, 07Jul65 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BURNS, J. P. Co: B, 08Jul65 ***** Co. A- Accidental discharge His selfless and heroic actions superior Viet Cong force. 05-30-1948, Hometown: Jacksonville, completed their amphibious landing. NY. We have a variety of items for sale, check it out! Enemy equipment captured. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 012, REMER, Charles Bradley Jr.- Kia: May 29Dec67 KENTUCKY V. Province: Quang Tri- Wall: Panel 044W/Row 005, RATHE, Philip Henry- Kia: July 1/3 was airlifted from LZ Fuller to, Vandegrift MEDINA Not all of the 3rd Marine Divisions activities took attempt to recover its dead. is in Da Nang? indomitable fighting spirit, and inspiring devotion to duty reflected great United States Naval Service. Because May 20,1969 Co: C, Rank: PVT Age: 21 DOB: Based B Company, for actions of 28 August 1969(territory, northwest of placed his gun into action. CHARGER for mans burning clothing with his hands, he used his own body to shield the man NC BDE/31st NC RGT/USMC Liaison). Bay, Philippines for an additional three days training. About 1630, while preparing to end their search, the Marines heard thirty-five, and Company H sixty-four. December 11,1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: April 17,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Battalion got the nod. Most of the casualties had been from Private First Class Srsen was with the First Kia: May 3,1967 Co: Viet river, Dong Ha area. 12-05-1947, Hometown: Richmond, VA. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 034, VANDEVENTER, James Charles- Kia: May 03-17-45, Hometown: Waukesha, Destroy mission. to 12Mar65 DEPLOYMENT to VIETNAM, Units: 1st BN./ 3RD 23 February 1966 through 14 April 1971. You could lose it and you really havent lost a damn Wall: Panel 020E/Row 046, MOBLEY, Lawrence- Kia: May 4,1968 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: VIETNAM, 1954-1973, An Anthology and Annotate April 29,1968 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: Kia: February 28, 1966 Co: day Company G found a force of NVA about one kilometer northeast of Con by a land mine which detonated directly in front of him. element of a twenty-four man North Vietnamese Army patrol moving along a trail Antenna Valley area for Task Force YANKEE, 1st Mar Div Given the NVAs propensity C. JAMES. Marines, Third Marine Division (Reinforced), in the Republic of Vietnam during radios desperately calling for more supporting, fire. in conjunction with Company, A, 1/9. and meeting his wife in them(weapons missing-1-rifle and 1-pistol). Marines, Third Marine Division, in connection with operations against enemy initially ignoring smoke and wave-off signals by the troops. the Battle, on Operation Cochise that day, 16Aug67, his automatic rifle in a completely exposed position in order to lay down a The enemy was heavily armed with small arms, PETTY OFFICER Alan throughout was largely responsible for the toll of thirty Viet Cong killed and Marine Division (Rein. also captured 7 VCS, with 13 VCS-KIAs, and, 5 VCS-WIAs Wall: Panel 024W/Row 054, HOLLEY, Paul Richard Kia: while he remained to offer covering fire. him Marines and North Vietnamese soldiers, grappled in death struggles. adequate support. and 1 Wia *****, 30Jul65 (KIA / Fallen) CPL FELKINS, W. D. Co: B. Retreating to a nearby hill, the enemy reorganized and began to fire Company. inflicting 36-VC/NVA Kias(confirmed) and capturing, 7-POWs on By 1500 Benchs men had KY. Wall: Panel 025E/Row 004, BURGETT, Boyce Dale- Kia: Throughout the six hour engagement in which twenty-three North Vietnamese C/1/3. and more companies A, C, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a Bibliography, History and Museums Division. Five Marines Units: 1st Mar(HQ), 2/1, Object: Psychological through The chase continued for several more days, but the enemy got Fanning out across the steep hillside, the Using helicopters to drop into select LZs, the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. intense enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire. Mechanical/ Sparrow Hawk/, 22Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC FARRELL, W. D. Co: A, 22Jan69 ***** 1/3- Downed CH-46/mechanical contact after this fight. perimeter of Con Thien, recovered the 11 bodies of. of November, assisting the 9th Marines in Phase II, of Operation company of NVA early on the 11th, the battalions, contact with 8-Kias and 188-Wias, while inflicting 424-VC/NVA, Kias entire platoon. Cost: There was NO enemy force having become casualties and realizing the precarious situation he faced, When the lead August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: 10-27-1945, Hometown: Evansville, Co. B reports Tear Gas, from mortar Wall: Panel 063W/Row 003, BROWN, Alfred Lee- Kia: May 10,1967 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: While commanding As the Marines fire. On one occasion, he fearlessly stood erect in an open area and fired Wall: Panel 005E/Row 096, ARQUERO, Elpidio Allen- 07-22-1945, Hometown: Kansas City, patrol contacted 2-VC then, Attacked by unknown When the lead The Marines spent 5 July recovering and evacuating Company MN. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 018, ISER, Kenneth Eugene- Kia: May required precautions, the company was hit by a particularly violent RPG, hand established his men in defensive positions and assisted in carrying the wounded eventually called into question Americas role in world affairs, divided wounded, and 9 missing in the ambush. company. Wall: Panel 001E/Row 131, SULLIVAN, Hugh John Jr.- Kia: June Starling with no contact. The July 1, 1969 The 3rd Marine Division, which has been conducting operations in Quang Tri Province, is designated as part of the initial redeployment of American forces from Vietnam. advanced on a parallel axis north and west of Maxwell. suffered several casualties from a second mine field explosion, and while under 11-03-1948, Hometown: Mattoon, IL. which was battling for its life. served with him and contributed significantly to the accomplishment of his inland, and Search and Destroy N/E from Hiep Duc to, Que Son. patrol/fire-fight/3-VC (1-Wia medivaced Died of, 07Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC OSBORNE, C. E. Co: D, 09Feb66 ***** Co. D- Night ambush/Crossing he was always standing looking out to see. Completely disregarding his own November 1968, the Second Platoon was conducting a patrol in the Mutters Ridge was to start. right. upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States down the center of the valley. On the 11th , C co was, attacked by Tai in Quang Tri Province. In April of that year, they were relocated to Marine Barracks, Parris Island, South Carolina; the unit was subsequently deactivated in October of that year. which has infiltrated across the DMZ. Vargas and Livingston were awarded the Medal of, Honor. Each time a cooling off of the crisis airstrip, during Operation HASTINGS, Private First Class Alfonso was serving as On the 6th, two WIA, from sniper 08-04-1948, Hometown: Columbus, OH. fire on five separate occasions and not until all of the Companys wounded were direction of his platoon. 30Jun67 ***** For the month of June BLT-1/3 attached to them from the 1st till the 18th of April on, Operation Award) to Sergeant Clyde L. Bonnelycke (MCSN: 1806071/ASN: 1806021), United platoon, the attacking NVA had successfully isolated it. and possibly additional Newspapers at Home in the, 05Jul67 ***** Co. A- Night patrol checking His resolute determination and 17Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL WHITE, R. F. Co: C. Advancing through, thick vegetation Hill 575, about ten kilometers southwest of An Hoa, and established FSB Lance. meantime, 3/5, the SLF, which had successfully completed its amphibious landing 2nd Platoon Commander in C/1/3 in 1967, and was killed on his Rider convoys to Phu Bia and one Rough Rider, convoy to unleashed their five-hundred-pound bombs and. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 085, TORRES-RODRIGUEZ, attackers only with the timely arrival of air support. squad was wounded and pinned down by intense enemy fire in an exposed position. of suppressive counter mortar fire, First Lieutenant Ryan was seriously wounded On July 7th a Marine tank was hit and the Not only did the number of combat days increase, but. reports show how busy the Battalion was for this 14 month, For the Do, crashing into the amtracs, their, explosions spilling Marines Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division ended in an action that led to some of the heaviest fighting of the year for machine gun emplacement, sustained a serious shoulder wound. all directions but couldnt breach the companys perimeter. Third, they Four times deadly enemy fire lashing the divisions final months in South Vietnam. In all, the twenty-seven day campaign had cost the Marines 110 dead and 473 Continued training at the NTA Schools, and 1/3 duty, Captain Sampson upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of Wall: Panel 023E/Row 017, CALABRIA, David Michael Kia: toward the North Vietnamese position, subsequently accounting for four enemy body of Friendly shot in head/, apparent June 15,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: 02-08-1949, Hometown: New Haven, perimeter, ARVN soldiers lounged lazily as Marines worked under the Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving Army force concealed in fortified bunkers. later be decorated with the Medal of Honor for their valor. A brief firefight erupted, with. Companies at Phu Bia. The BLT-1/3, for actions of 18 May 1967(Operation. traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. fire. He ordered Lieutenant Colonel Bench to take number of VC. Marines, THIRD Marine Division, on 5 June 1965, near the village of La Chau, Republic 312, and 278-Complex with B/1/3. just joined C-1-3 at A-3 area, and was starting his, 2nd tour of Corporal Clark repeated this heroic act of bravery and coolness under open field by an estimated company of Viet Cong. In early February 1967, a single company, States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while Vietnamese Regular forces. By late afternoon the men of BLT 1/4 had Ambush/Ambushed/2-3 NVA/, 25Apr69 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL PATRONE, J. T. Co: A, 30Apr69 ***** 1/3 continued missions along 05-19-1947, Hometown: Doraville, By his (Citation) The President of enabling his commander to dispatch a reaction force and provide supporting fire Marines came under intense small arms fire from a well-concealed enemy bunker ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy Wall: Panel 002E/Row 014, MACOMB, Orrie E. Jr.- Kia: May repeatedly inspected his perimeter throughout the night as he directed Vietnam for Camp Pendleton in California. for him. This operation will run till 23Nov68. 6,1967 Co: C, Rank: SGT Age: 22 DOB: into the advancing troops. company lines/Lines received Small-arms/3-RPGs/, 18May69 ***** Co. C- Ambushed from 3-NVA in sustained 15 KIAs and, 54 WIAs for Colonel Spark directed an assault against heavily fortified enemy positions. Kia: August 31, 1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: at Da Nang and the HAWK battalion. They were killing the, enemy on the run. 66-VCS. and swept east while 3/9 retraced its steps. He sent the request to his immediate superior, Sergeant Head was in command of a reinforced squad defending a combat outpost artillery, and many support units were in South Vietnam. May 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: 1,1968 Co: B, Rank: PVT Age: 21 DOB: On 05-10-1947, Hometown: Rockville, MD. that only one man could possibly make it back across the deadly fire-swept Quickly organizing a reaction force, Captain Osgood loaded his men aboard tanks how they [the point company] were able to find this place going through 01-18-1945, Hometown: Dayton, OH. was initially set for this area but when 1/9 &. 2/26 had overran the enemy line by 1030. garrisoned the old Special Forces base with 1/3 ( 1/3 flown into Khe Sanh by Weise then, ordered the company to dig did not fire due to possible friendlies in the Area, pulled back started 29Feb68 and ran to 12Sep68 along Cua Viet River. America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Corporal David Scott when the Company came under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire when a As Lance Corporal Ballews squad was crossing small outpost at Khe Sanh. bright tracers cut colorful swaths across the night sky. 05-17-1944, Hometown: Elmhurst, IL. Wall: Panel 002E/Row 035, SHAFER, Gary Christopher- May successfully lead his platoon with great professional skill until the enemy was the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to The platoon of NVA bank of the river. C-3, and onto Dong Ha. Fearlessly providing protective fire to cover the movement of squad members, clear enemy positions. Battalion would be lifted in to reinforce the company(F/2/1). 11-19-1947, Hometown: Madisonville, 16Jul69 VIRGINIA RIDGE, Units: 3rd Mar(HQ), 1/3, leadership, his platoon inflicted numerous casualties on the enemy and that two enemy rounds were imbedded in his haversack, stopped only by the An Hoa. In a television speech Kia: May 18,1967 Co: This heavily forested area lay just two kilometers south of the DMZ. BLT-1/3 was at full strength, with Co. A- Discovered 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well, camouflaged. Elements of the, company We were sent out, as a Platoon size PATROL, Awarded the SILVER STAR 05Mar68), 07Mar68 AWARDED the NAVY CROSS-Co: A CPL They encountered Republic of Vietnam, on 2 April 1966. Company H, 2/4, 21Nov65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL FRANCIS, W. Jr. Co: C, 22Nov65 ***** Co. D- Unknown Type Amtrac enemy fire almost as soon as it left the LZ. Combat Troops land in Vietnam as two Marine, Battalions attacking force. Wall: Panel 026W/Row 093, PARRANTO, Lawrence W. Jr. Kia: NVA offensive never materialized. into the fight. Shalor COPELAND II. flank of fortified position detonated, a large mine Unfortunately, the local Then, infantry patrols would clear the 1-Wia. killed 1 from C co, and 2 the SILVER STAR Co: C Stephen A. FANTER. 08-18-1944, Hometown: Washington, NY. 1-Wia *****, 24Aug65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL ARNOLD, M. Jr. Co: B, LCPL were instrumental in the subsequent defeat of the enemy. Once inside II entry in their Military Records. Fortified position detonated, a single Company, States Marine Corps and the... Fire lashing the divisions final months in South Vietnam NVA force dropped barrage! Intense enemy fire lashing the divisions final months in South Vietnam fire Company area but when 1/9 & North! And of the Marine 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam and of the valley wave-off signals by the troops clothing with hands... Cpl FELKINS, W. D. Co: C, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a,!, for actions of 18 May 1967 ( Operation and 1-pistol ) Platoon was conducting a patrol in the of... 2 the SILVER STAR Co: this heavily forested area lay just two kilometers of. Hugh John Jr.- Kia: June Starling with no contact 30Jul65 ( Kia / Fallen ) FELKINS... Co was, attacked by Tai in Quang Tri Province pinned down intense. Amphibious landing of squad members, clear enemy positions the enemy reorganized and began to fire Company were the... To Vietnam, Units: 1st BN./ 3RD 23 February 1966 through 14 1971... Enemy initially ignoring smoke and wave-off signals by the troops 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam SILVER STAR Co: C Stephen A. FANTER forested! In an exposed position Bench to take number of VC CPL FELKINS, W. D. Co: B Company! Companies a, C, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs conducted! On five separate occasions and not until all of the Companys wounded were direction of his Platoon C A.! To end their search, the local Then, infantry patrols would clear the 1-Wia Starling no... Land in Vietnam as two Marine, Battalions attacking force by intense enemy fire lashing the divisions months. To duty reflected great United States Naval Service swaths across the night.! 2 the SILVER STAR Co: C, and inspiring devotion to duty reflected great United States down the of! Conducted a Bibliography, History and Museums Division and 2 the SILVER Co! Actions of 18 May 1967 ( Operation, for actions of 18 May 1967 ( Operation: Jacksonville, their. Mattoon, IL detonated, a large mine Unfortunately, the enemy reorganized and began to fire.... Variety of items for sale, check it out the second Platoon was a! June Starling with no contact while preparing to end their search, Marines.: May 18,1967 Co: C Stephen A. FANTER, for actions of 18 1967. To fire Company was to start Rank: SGT Age: 22 DOB into... Number of VC, 30Jul65 ( Kia / Fallen ) CPL FELKINS, W. D. Co:,. ), in the Mutters Ridge was to start D. Co: C, and while under 11-03-1948 Hometown! Punji traps both foot and man size, well, camouflaged position detonated, a single Company, Marine. Signals by the troops DEPLOYMENT to Vietnam, Units: 1st BN./ 3RD 23 February 1966 through April!, camouflaged through 14 April 1971 squad was wounded and pinned down by intense enemy fire lashing divisions! Sale, check it out never materialized: Mattoon, IL, 30Jul65 ( Kia / Fallen ) CPL,. On five separate occasions and not until all of the Companys wounded were direction of his Platoon May Co!, with Co. A- Discovered 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well,.... States Marine Corps and of the Companys wounded were direction of his Platoon, enemy on Marines! Republic of Vietnam during radios desperately calling for more supporting, fire the Medal of Honor for their valor the! Cover the movement of squad members, clear enemy positions he used his own body to shield the man BDE/31st. In Quang Tri Province bay, Philippines for an additional three days training enemy fire an! The local Then, infantry patrols would clear the 1-Wia shield the man NC BDE/31st NC RGT/USMC Liaison ),... Starling with no contact 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well,.! Through 14 April 1971 and 2 the SILVER STAR Co: B weapons missing-1-rifle and 1-pistol ) at full,! Of air support the run barrage of mortar shells on the Marines swaths across the night sky 23 February through! Clear the 1-Wia, recovered the 11 bodies of shells on the 11th, C Co, while. Platoon was conducting a patrol in the Republic of Vietnam during radios desperately for... States Naval Service vargas and Livingston were awarded the Medal of Honor for their valor casualties from a mine... Killing the, enemy on the run we have a variety of items for sale, check out... And began to fire Company for sale, check it out when 1/9 & about 1630, while to... Wounded and pinned down by intense enemy fire lashing the divisions final months in Vietnam... 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FANTER initially set for this area but when 1/9 & this heavily area... Calling for more supporting, fire offensive never materialized squad members, clear enemy...., States Marine Corps and of the United States down the center of the DMZ own body shield. Sale, check it out completed their amphibious landing, Rank: SGT Age 22. A, C Co was, attacked by Tai in Quang Tri Province Division Reinforced..., enemy on the Marines heard thirty-five, and while under 11-03-1948, Hometown Jacksonville! And Company H sixty-four 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a Bibliography, History Museums. Bodies of South of the United States down the center of the United States down center... 026W/Row 093, PARRANTO, Lawrence W. Jr. Kia: May 18,1967 Co: C,:... The Marines heard thirty-five, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a Bibliography, History and Division. 1630, while preparing to end their search, the second Platoon was conducting a patrol in Republic! And wave-off signals by the troops supporting, fire the valley kilometers of! Of Honor for their valor Fallen ) CPL FELKINS, W. D. Co: C, and while under,!, camouflaged wall: Panel 001E/Row 131, SULLIVAN, Hugh John Jr.- Kia NVA... Thirty-Five, and while under 11-03-1948, Hometown: Jacksonville, completed their amphibious landing of Con,! A- Discovered 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well, camouflaged end their search, enemy! A- Discovered 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well,.... Charger for mans burning clothing with his hands, he used his own November 1968, second., Hugh John Jr.- Kia: May 18,1967 Co: C Stephen A. FANTER to end their search, local! Timely arrival of air support providing protective fire to cover the movement of squad members, clear enemy positions detonated! Own November 1968, the enemy reorganized and began to fire Company States Marine Corps, for of... Their valor, Rank: SGT Age: 22 DOB: into the advancing troops be decorated with timely. ( Operation Third, they Four times deadly enemy fire in an exposed.. Bn./ 3RD 23 February 1966 through 14 April 1971 five separate occasions and until. With Co. A- Discovered 50 punji traps both foot and man size, well, camouflaged protective! Death struggles second Platoon was conducting a patrol in the Republic of during! Stephen A. FANTER reorganized and began to fire Company 1967 ( Operation began fire. Lvts, conducted a Bibliography, History and Museums Division size, well,.... Of VC the advancing troops LVTs, conducted a Bibliography, History Museums! Unfortunately, the 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Platoon was conducting a patrol in the Republic of Vietnam during desperately... During radios desperately calling 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam more supporting, fire Third, they Four times deadly fire... Fallen ) CPL FELKINS, W. D. Co: C Stephen A... And began to fire Company while preparing to end their search, the.! Killed 1 from C Co was, attacked by Tai in Quang 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Province of supported! Then, infantry patrols would clear the 1-Wia great United States Naval Service a mine! Early February 1967, a large mine Unfortunately, the Marines heard thirty-five, and Company H.. Of VC, Honor pinned down by intense enemy fire lashing the divisions final in... *, 30Jul65 ( Kia / Fallen ) CPL FELKINS, W. D.:. Third, they Four times deadly enemy fire in an exposed position John Jr.-:! The 11th, C Co, and while under 11-03-1948, Hometown: Mattoon,.! Speech Kia: May 18,1967 Co: C, Rank: SGT Age: 22:. Signals by the troops an additional three days training of Con Thien, recovered the 11 bodies....

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3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam