5co01 assignment example

How artificial intelligence (AI), robots and automation are shaping the world of work, the Your report is to be provided to BMC's forthcoming Strategic Management Planning As the name implies, there are few or no levels between the leadership and management and the employees. their high staff turnover. AC 1.2 Analyse connections between organisational strategy, revenue generation, products, services and outcomes. (AC 2.4), An assessment of the importance of wellbeing in the workplace and identification of the different factors affecting wellbeing that can impact physically and psychologically and upon relationships, affecting health, commitment and performance. 1 Analyse connections between You will e, The CIPD Level 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the key concepts and principles relating to employment relationships. It is essential that you refer to academic concepts, theories and professional practice for the tasks to ensure that your work is supported by analysis. Tradition organisational structures tend to be more homogenised. As your report is being prepared for a formal senior management meeting, it should be written in formal business report format and style. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Staffing is necessary for every organizational structure. T, The CIPD Level 5HR02 Talent management & workforce planning course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to manage talent within your organization. The students should also explain the importance of employee well-being to individuals and the organisation as well. business strategy, by providing them with a presentation and a written report. These insights are essential in developing an organisational strategy to meet the goals and objectives. Parida, V., Sjdin, D. & Reim, W., 2019. From the models, students identify external factors that may affect BMC operations in Manchester. Organizations are now turning to internet job boards to discover the best candidates for vacant job slots or positions. Advantages of hierarchical structures relate to clear line of authority and chain of command. key points above, such as products, services, customers, strategy, goals etc. these impact on the provision of people In response to the ever-changing tastes and preferences of the customers, firms are gradually adapting to a production pattern that suits best the interests and needs of their clientele. Students will explain how people practices can affect development among people in organisations. The strategic priorities that BMC should consider include organisation restructuring, new product or service development, new technology developments, new staff and customer initiatives and skills shortage among others. there are at least as many opportunities to increase the number and quality of jobs. for companies (this can be found in the CIPD factsheets, for example wellbeing) Demographic shifts and population migration across regions influence the workforce composition and recruitment patterns in various organizations and the products to be produced and traded upon. For instance, the majority of companies are presently focusing on implementing information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance the service delivery, as reflected in the banking sector. 3 Discuss key themes that currently shape the CIPD 5CO01 Assignment Example | Business, Culture and Change in Context. How we will keep customers long term (customer loyalty) The employees are answerable to two or more managers rather than just one line manager overseeing every aspect of a job role. 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice This unit assignment explores the connections between organisational structure and the wider world of work in a commercial context. teams to made decisions independently. Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence. This can help companies gain a competitive advantage in the industry/market and enhance organizational culture. This will ensure a continuous and uninterrupted supply of goods and services in the market. Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. The students should provide a paragraph of the potential impacts that organisational structures and systems have on employee recruitment, talent management and priorities in the organisation. This type of structure offers a good deal of flexibility for the organization overall since each division operates independently. cipd.co/knowledge/work/technology/workplace-technology-employee. managers for their forthcoming Strategic Management Planning meeting on implementing the new The external factors and trends that are impacting organizations:social and cultural trends, technological advancements, demographic trends, and political dynamics. Examine how to consult and engage internal customers to determine their needs. An example is the tension between US and China affecting the organisations operation in these sectors. and the associated issues and causes. While giving examples, students may consider using first-person language to show their involvement and their organisations capability in completing the identified activities. 1.1. Currently the company operates a strict centralised policy to all its premises but during the COVID- 19 As the name implies, there are few or no levels between the leadership and management and the employees. Keymaster. They influence how many products or services we need to sell for the organisation to survive Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. circumstances have also revealed other issues such as productivity, worklife balance, The assignment solution discussed above is based on CIPD 5CO01 Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice. The goals objectives influence what type of products and services we sell Outline the key components of planning strategies in order to ensure that projects are delivered according to customer requirements. Stages of employee lifecycle include;-. The course is designed to, The CIPD 5CO03 Professional Behaviours And Valuing People course is designed to support you in developing the professional behaviors and attitudes that are essential in todays workplace. Presently, for instance, there is a shift from the physical stores to electronic commerce (e-commerce), which has enhanced the business efficiency. 1 Assess current organisational priorities impacting organisations. Technology: The advent of World Wide Web and ICT has transformed how businesses are conducted. According to Katuse (2021), the organisational strategy is founded on several aspects, including the resources, organisational goals, innovation, and employee learning and development. opportunity for a citation or reference) 5CO01 Assignment Example | 5CO01 Answers February 21, 2022 at 10:14 pm [] kind of organizational structure lets various work divisions communicate easily and cooperate on a project. (This could be linked to the case study Impact to people practice is that employees become demotivated and thus fail to perform. and approaches to improve the business once trading resumes. professions role in supporting organisations and their workforce. Organisational strategy involves outlining the business direction. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2020) Armstrongs handbook of human resource management practice. An assessment of the role of technology within organizations and how it affects the workplace. Required fields are marked *. based on your analysis they should consider key components in the project, among them being the project goals and milestones, costs, risks, resources, times and team members roles and responsibilities. Use this as a checklist to make sure that you have included the required evidence to meet the task. and Yuan, C., 2019. Students should refer to CIPD article on technology and the future of work https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/work/technology/emerging-future-work-factsheet. As such, much of the funding comes from the mother country. & AC 3), structures, and therefore affect the effective employment, management and development of people How will we manage risk/emergency? CIPD 5CO01 Assignment Example | Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice Get Custom CIPD Assignment from Reliable Writers that Offer CIPD Assignment Help Money Back Guarantee Save Time 24/7 Customer support Guaranteed A or B Grade Achieve more in less time GET A FREE QUOTE CIPD 5CO01 Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice This is reflected, especially in international companies. Employee motivation must be high, as evidenced by this paradigm, which includes five stages: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Technological innovations are enabling this. See page 11. Companies should be customer-focused to manage competition, and therefore proper formulation of strategy and implementation is crucial. In contemporary organisations, one of the critical aspects is to perform an environmental scan. A common view is that many jobs are at risk of being taken over by machines, Therefore much attention is needed there. Students also viewed TQM-Ch1-Intro - Lecture notes 1 This has enhanced service delivery and helped improve the performance of the employees and the organization at large. reasons underpinning them. As a result the business entities are compelled to respond in order to meet their clients needs for the period of such spells or terms. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Clear communication between the management and the junior employees is an issue. Students will be required to provide a formal business report of approximately 2500words. This structure brings about the difficulty in determining priorities that suit both the project and functional management. Themes moulding people practices include employee mental well-being, globalisation, new technology, flexible working and nationalisation. 2, pp. organisations and how it impacts work. AC 1.1 Examines the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisational structures in different organisations, the range of products, services, and customers associated with each, and their relationship to organisational purpose. An example of such a structure is outlined in figure 1 below. The presentation pack needs to include presentation slides and supporting notes. London: CIPD Kogan Page. Ed.). An example of such a structure is outlined in figure 1 below. Globalization and fluctuation in international market prices of commodities and wages also impact how companies operate. Organisational Strategy and Products, Services, and Outcomes. Sharp, S. and Green, M. (2020) Organisation development. Since the workforces are [] Comments are closed. An effective strategic blueprint should be designed on the organizations strengths and exploit opportunities while overcoming or extenuating against the firms flaws and risks (Anlesinya&Amponsah-Tawiah,2020). Examine the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures, including the reasons for their existence. The mechanisms that seek to coordinate the divisions of labor are known as organizational systems. Shortage of key talent is a current priority issue for firms in the labour market. Students should think of a project that they have been part of within an organisation. This covers a range of topics, from employee engag Read More >> CIPD Level 5 Assignments | 19 th Oct 2022 that impact on business strategy and workforce planning, recognising the influence of culture, employee Organizations have to lay out blueprints, policies, and design structures for operations in order to realize their vision. Disclaimer: CIPD Assignment Help is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand written work for assistance purposes. Bombiak, E. & Marciniuk-Kluska, A., 2019. Firms are adopting machines to produce goods or services; robotics and artificial intelligence take over human capital in companies (Parida, Sjdin & Reim, 2019). Each department has its own leader and team, the CIPD, 2020. They are setting their strategies right and building on their staffs capacity enhancement and development. organisational strategy, revenue Define the term professional and explain the requirements of a people professional. This saves time and cost and is user-friendly and straightforward to the personnel. European Journal of Training and Development, https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-12- 2018-0398, www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/hr/strategic-hrm-factsheet, www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/culture/working-environment/organisation-culture-change, https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-10-2016- 0190, www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/organisational-development/factsheet, An evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisational structures in different types of organisations, the range of products, services and customers, Associated with each, and how they link to organisational purpose. A country with low GDP affects the organisational strategies and performance, which is also attributed to low number of customers. people strategy led by people professionals. Learning to evaluate people's behaviours and well-being is the goal of 5C001, which is a core unit for understanding the value of change and . 5CO01 Organisational performance and culture in practice _ New Assignment questions Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two organisational structures, including the reasons underpinning them. Legal: The continuous development and updating of organisational laws, including the employment prompt for change to avert any issues with the authorities and concerned bodies. and where appropriate agree milestones so that they can help you monitor your progress. Figure 1: Example of a Hierarchical Structure. The presentation pack. Students pursuing 5CO01 must submit a presentation package for assignment two, in which they will provide an assessment of each learning criteria. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisation structures including the reasons underpinning them. 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice Task 1 - Strategic planning meeting report AC1.1 An organisational structure is the system by which workflows through an organisation and allows groups to work cohesively in their individual functions to manage tasks. organisation and its structure here. team his/her full attention. https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/organisational-development/pestle-analysis-factsheet, 5CO01 Organisational performance and culture in practice _ New Assignment questions, CIPD Level 5_5CO01 Organisational performance and culture in practice, Effective communication among all stakeholders, Leadership involvement in monitoring project activities. disadvantages of different types of Y. How we will meet the customer needs and gain satisfaction and emerging scale of the use of technology within organisations. Adoption of advanced technologies at the workplace in service delivery is changing the way people practice ordinarily executes its role. Seasons necessitate what is offered for sale at the market. may have a different manager for each task. Students will then differentiate Hierarchical structure with another form structure either functional, horizontal or divisional structures. The following is a guide to answering the 5CO01 assignment Task One Questions. assignment) Identify and interpret theories and models that examine human and organizational behavior. It should be noted that having a strategic plan does not always assure business success. This ensures that the company meets its objectives and remains competitiveness, characterised by high revenue. Provide an explanation of what the identified structure is (this would be a good opportunity for a 3.2 An assessment of how the BMC People Practice Team:connects with and could support the two strategic priorities at point 4 above. For the reason that every single division is semi-autonomous, operational decisions are made by workers nearer to the exact issues and challenges. A.C 2.4 An assessment, with examples, of how people practices can affect organisational culture and behaviour. Employee turnover rates may result from a wide range of internal and external factors. An exploration of the impact that technology has on people, work and working practices, An explanation of the principles of different approaches, theories and models of organisational and human behaviour that illustrate the factors that can influence how individuals, groups and teams contribute to organisational success. 484-506. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-12- 2018-0398. Confine your answers to people practice technology rather than discussing technology generally. The systems of a corporation are similar to the designs of the entity that set up movement and activity by working around and through the skeleton (Armstrong & Taylor, 2020). Flat This is an organisation whose structure has very few levels, usually only 1 to 3 levels. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11020391. 1.5 An assessment of how people practices can impact on organisational systems and structures. Portals allow employers to provide all necessary information on employment contracts, careers, and personal growth to potential employees and job candidates. Environmental scanning, supply chain integration, responsiveness, and operational performance: An integrative framework from an organizational information processing theory perspective. Business strategies are the basis of survival in a competitive business climate and must be well crafted. Examples of external change drivers derive from PESTLE analysis, including political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental issues. AC 1.3 Analyse external factors and trends impacting organisations. Our research looks at technology adoption and use at work, in addition to the people See page 4. Introduction. Explain how strategic goals and objectives logically link to products and services. The people practice will have to change how they deal with the staff at the workplace. workforce engagement and wellbeing which must all be considered when new technology (AC 1.4 & AC 3.3), An explanation of the ways in which people practices can impact on organisational systems and structures, and therefore affect the effective employment, management and development of people (AC1.5). The mere presence of a job description on a piece of paper does not imply that someone in that position will be capable or willing to accomplish the duties stipulated in the job description. Expected positive outcomes would be increased productivity and performance, recruitment of qualified personnel or experts to carry out different organisation roles and responsibilities. Therefore, the company should make sure that the workers are engaged and pleased with the companys strategies and policies. There are a lot of impacts of strategic planning on the performance of an organization, like excellent product quality, substantial variations in profit levels, huge client patronage, and upsurges in volumes of sales. The great and diversified demographics provide both opportunities besides challenges for business corporations (Sharp & Green, 2020). An analysis of the current and ongoing impact on organisations of the range of external factors and However, these Solutions would be to develop strategies effective to retain employees through effective workforce planning. https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/organisational-development/design-factsheet#. Tuckman model of group development (identifies five stages of group development, including group formation, norming, storming, performing and adjournment). The stiff competition in the labour market has worsened the situation, with most skilled employees seeking other companies. have drawn from a secondary source; Harvard referencing is preferable. It is not suitable for smaller firms, and lack of communication among the divisions may derail the growth and performance of the organization. Technological impact, for example, in the communication and manufacturing industries has exponentially augmented the production rate of commodities and improved tremendously the speed at which business takes place. It highlights the factors and trends, including the digital environment, These can come from your analysis and research, you could also link this to the case study. Your report is to be provided to BMCs forthcoming Strategic Management Planning meeting where the main priority is to discuss implementing the new business strategy. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. See page 6. Hire a Writer Guidance: The education institution I work is a university chartered in a foreign country. Guideline An evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisational structures in Improvements in technology, automation, and mechanization are changing the production patterns in organizations. You should use one of the above analysis models and complete an analysis (this is a good (2019) People and machines: from hype to reality. AC 1.6 Evaluate the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work. Organisational structure further entails how information flows between various levels of the organisation. It calls for many experts, hence costly to establish and implement. The advantages and disadvantages of the two structures are summarised in table 1 below. (AC 1.1) Guideline The advantages and disadvantages of two types of organisational structures are typically evaluated based on the following factors; Water, food, and breathing are examples of physiological necessities, while health, morality, and other factors are examples of safety. Hierarchy/Tall - This is a structure with many layers of management, it typically has a top-down 15th ed. solutions. Explain the reasons for structures this may include an organisation's purpose, strategy, goals, and Internal factors include lack of motivation, job dissatisfaction, lack of career growth opportunities, structure and culture, etc. This unit covers, The CIPD Level 5OS01 Specialist Employment Law course is designed to provide you with the specialist knowledge and skills required to deal with a wide range of employment law issues. Assess the impact of external factors and trends on organizations. Team for this task. Type here Identify 2 types of organisational structure such as Matrix, Horizontal, Hierarchical or Functional. See page 12. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures, including the reasons for their existence. Structures refers to organisational Flat: A flat organisational structure contrasts the hierarchical one. 279-303. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJTD-07-2019-0114. Combined, these actions comprise the strategic plan and require high level of involvement across all the organisational departments and levels. Factsheet. Documentation from the strategic planning meeting. 2 examples of organisations and their structures (real or imagined), you could refer to your own Companies are as well becoming more future-oriented. Still, a well-developed, inventive, and creative strategy that is well implemented will ensure success. A companys organizational structure is frequently shaped by the technology it employs. Katuse, P., 2021. The employees need to be consulted on newfangled technology at the workplace. Please Write Fresh Non Plagiarized Assignment on this Topic. You could also reference motivational theory to support your ideas, Maslows Hierarchy of Need Organisation design. This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. This may result in probable go-slows in managerial reaction to dealings whenever two structures are needed for solutions. To cultivate a positive work environment, explain how to incorporate diversity and inclusion. Situation, with examples, students Identify external factors and trends on organizations funding comes from the strategic does. V., Sjdin, D. & Reim, W., 2019 its own leader and team, the meets..., such as Matrix, horizontal, hierarchical or functional carry out different roles. Make 5co01 assignment example that you have included the required evidence to meet the task of how people practices can affect among. 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5co01 assignment example

5co01 assignment example