california bans pledge of allegiance in schools

Although the defendants argue that the religious content of "one nation under God" is minimal, to an atheist or a believer in certain non-Judeo-Christian religions or philosophies, it may reasonably appear to be an attempt to enforce a "religious orthodoxy" of monotheism, and is therefore impermissible. On June 14, 1954, Congress amended Section 1972 to add the words "under God" after the word "Nation." Lemon, 403 U.S. at 612-13. The phrase 'under God' recognizes only the guidance of God in our national affairs." "I think that only way it's patriotic is if you choose to do it yourself," he said. 980 F.2d at 445. Scott Bomboy is the editor in chief of the National Constitution Center. California state law doesn't require the recitation in schools, although 45 other states do. However, it's worth repeating that students have the right to refuse to participate without fear of punishment or retaliation. The kerfuffle occurred last Tuesday at Alliance High School in the tiny, rural town of Alliance (pop. See Lee, 505 U.S. at 592-93 (stating that "the risk of indirect coercion" from prayer exercises is particularly "pronounced" in elementary and secondary public school because students are subjected to peer pressure and public pressure which is "as real as any overt compulsion"). Accordingly, the Court did not rule on the question of whether the Pledge violates the Establishment Clause. "Tonight we start this meeting in honor of the acclaimed author and activist Maya Angelou, who once said 'When you learn, teach. v. Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Inc., 454 U.S. 464, 488-90 (1982). The recitation that ours is a nation "under God" is not a mere acknowledgment that many Americans believe in a deity. I always tell my class:'Stand if you feel like it, don't stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want. . See Gentala v. City of Tucson, 244 F.3d 1065, 1083-86 (9th Cir.) Second, isn't a pledge a pledge? A powerful House committee voted to advance legislation on Wednesday that would make it easier to ban TikTok from the United States and crack down on other China-related economic activity, amid vocal objections from some lawmakers and civil liberties advocates who argue the proposal is unconstitutionally broad and threatens The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag will fulfill this requirement." In short, I cannot accept the eliding of the simple phrase "under God" from our Pledge of Allegiance, when it is obvious that its tendency to establish religion in this country or to interfere with the free exercise (or non-exercise) of religion is de minimis.-9. There, the Court held unconstitutional a school district's wartime policy of punishing students who refused to recite the Pledge and salute the flag. The Establishment Clause guards not only against the establishment of "religion as an institution," but also against the endorsement of religious ideology by the government. "God Bless America" and "America The Beautiful" will be gone for sure, and while use of the first and second stanzas of the Star Spangled Banner will still be permissible, we will be precluded from straying into the third.-8 And currency beware! because none of these professions can be neutral with respect to religion.'' at 642. The mere enactment of the 1954 Act in its particular context constitutes a religious recitation policy that interferes with Newdow's right to direct the religious education of his daughter. reinforce our objective student's perception that the prayer is, in actuality, encouraged by the school." Laidlaw, 528 U.S. at 180 (citing Lujan, 504 U.S. at 560-561). The Pledge is currently codified as "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "-11 Ball, 473 U.S. at 390. That will cool the febrile nerves of a few at the cost of removing the healthy glow conferred upon many citizens when the forbidden verses, or phrases, are uttered, read, or seen. 10 - In Aronow v. United States, 432 F.2d 242 (9th Cir. On Wednesday, June 26, the Ninth U.S. ", "Of all the things I want my children to learn at school, I'm kind of indifferent about the Pledge of Allegiance," he said. "The requirement of standing focuses on the party seeking to get his complaint before a federal court and not on the issues he wishes to have adjudicated. Contact us. The Seventh Circuit makes an even more serious error, however. Id. Posted: Mar 1, 2023 / 02:03 AM EST. First in 1940 in the case of Minersville School District v. Gobitis, the Court held that a public school could force students who wereJehovahs Witnesses to salute the flag and say the Pledge. at 312. In every public elementary school each day during the school year at the beginning Created byFindLaw's team of legal writers and editors It's been a tradition. '', The two judges issuing the decision acknowledged that the Supreme Court, had occasionally commented in nonbinding decisions that the presence of ``one nation under God'' in the Pledge of Allegiance is constitutional. ", "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. E-mail: -We, by the way, indicated as much in American Family Assn, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco, 277 F.3d 1114, 1125-26 (9th Cir. ", 1892 - Baptist minister Francis Bellamy writes original pledge to commemorate 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in the new world, and 12 million schoolchildren recite it: "I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it stands - one Nation indivisible - with liberty and justice for all. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski held a hearing at which the school district defendants requested that the court rule only on the constitutionality of the Pledge, and defer any ruling on sovereign immunity. Although the previous form of the statute specifically allowed students to use the moment of silence for "meditation," silent prayer was always an option. Relying in part on Supreme Court dicta regarding the Pledge, the court answers this question in the negative, determining that "under God" is a statement which, taken within its context in the Pledge, is devoid of any significant religious content, and therefore constitutional. A Southern California teacher is under investigation after she talked her students into pledging allegiance to a Pride flag instead of a US flag. There, the Court struck down Alabama's statute mandating a moment of silence for "meditation or voluntary prayer" not because the final version "as a whole" lacked a primary secular purpose, but because the state legislature had amended the statute specifically and solely to add the words "or voluntary prayer." Because the Act fails the purpose prong of Lemon, we need not examine the other prongs. Firms, Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, Permission for Use of Photographs for Publication or Website, The Pledge of Allegiance and Legal Challenges in Education. at 315. He was a left-wing socialist minister. The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said President Bush called the decision ``ridiculous,'' and many legal experts said they expected it to be reversed on appeal. MCL 380.1304 HOUSE COMMITTEE ACTION: The House Education Committee reported out the Senate-passed version of the bill (Substitute S-2) without any amendments. L. No. However, the Court has never been presented with the question directly, and has always clearly refrained from deciding it. Thus, I respectfully concur in part and dissent in part. Finally, in its most recent school prayer case, the Supreme Court applied the Lemon test, the endorsement test, and the coercion test to strike down a school district's policy of permitting student-led "invocations" before high school football games. Id. Id. Accordingly, a reversal of the order would result in the reinstatement of the complaint against the state. . Parents of expelled students were also subject to fines. The Pledge of Allegiance, what many would consider a Norman Rockwell requirement of public education, is no longer a given in an untold number of California In any event, Aronow is distinguishable in many ways from the present case. If it stands, the decision by the nation's largest and most liberal appellate court would take effect in several months, banning the pledge from being recited in schools in the nine Western states under the court's jurisdiction: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. "[T]he government must pursue a course of complete neutrality toward religion." Instead, Justice John Paul Stevens said Newdow didnt have standing to bring suit because he lacked sufficient custody over his daughter. Endorsement sends a message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community. (citations and internal quotation marks omitted).-5 The Court first examined the degree of school involvement in the prayer, and found that "the graduation prayers bore the imprint of the State and thus put school-age children who objected in an untenable position." 2002 - Ninth Circuit federal court deems "under God" constitutional in California court case. Id. Newdow nevertheless argues that because the 1954 Act violates the Establishment Clause, Congress should not be protected by the Speech and Debate Clause. One kid stood up in class and said the pledge anyway, according to a proudly irate mother. Lemon, 403 U.S. at 612-14. '', The ``under God'' clause of the pledge, the panel argued, was added by Congress solely to advance religion in order to differentiate the United States from nations under atheistic Communist rule. III, even though the disagreement is phrased in constitutional terms." Therefore, Ball's restatement of the second prong of Lemon remains valid even after Agostini. It did, however, sub silentio, receive the benefit of the district court's ruling dismissing the complaint. The giving of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America shall satisfy the requirements of this section. Supreme Court precedent does not support that conclusion. Lynch, 465 U.S. at 688 (O'Connor, J., concurring). Pointing to a U.S. map arguably would fulfill a school's legal obligation. The text of the official Pledge, codified in federal law, impermissibly takes a position with respect to the purely religious question of the existence and identity of God. They claim that the Pledge has the secular purpose of "solemnizing public occasions, expressing confidence in the future, and encouraging the recognition of what is worthy of appreciation in society." "[T]his court has never relied on coercion alone as the touchstone of Establishment Clause analysis. In 1942, West Virginias State Board of Education mandated that the flag salute become a regular part of the program of activities in the public schools. S.F. [ 1981 c 130 1; 1969 ex.s. - They have not led us down the long path to kulturkampf or worse. ", Teacher removed after her students pledge allegiance to the Pride flag. To require a showing of coercion, even indirect coercion, as an essential element of an Establishment Clause violation would make the free Exercise Clause a redundancy." Nevertheless, for purposes of completeness, we will analyze the school district policy and the 1954 Act under all three tests. From an outsider's perspective, it might all seem a bit odd, Levine said. . "When I said it to her, she said, 'I have no idea what you're talking about, Dad.' Furthermore, the school district's practice of teacher-led recitation of the Pledge aims to inculcate in students a respect for the ideals set forth in the Pledge, and thus amounts to state endorsement of these ideals. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. One of the enduring traditions in public education is the recitation of the U.S. The coercive effect of this policy is particularly pronounced in the school setting given the age and impressionability of schoolchildren, and their understanding that they are required to adhere to the norms set by their school, their teacher and their fellow students.-8 Furthermore, under Lee, the fact that students are not required to participate is no basis for distinguishing Barnette from the case at bar because, even without a recitation requirement for each child, the mere fact that a pupil is required to listen every day to the statement "one nation under God" has a coercive effect.-9 The coercive effect of the Act is apparent from its context and legislative history, which indicate that the Act was designed to result in the daily recitation of the words "under God" in school classrooms. . Id. Allegheny, 492 U.S. at 672 (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (citations and internal quotation marks omitted).-7 Consequently, the policy and the Act fail the endorsement test. Start your constitutional learning journey. Cal. "It's surprising that they don't, as schools exist to instill a proper understanding and appreciation for our country," said Julia Shaw, research associate and program manager of the Heritage Foundation, a traditional values think tank. At Alvarado Elementary in San Francisco, students used to recite the pledge when there were daily morning assemblies. WebPledge Of Allegiance In Schools Nationwide By Jimmy Rustling, ABC News - November I I, 2016 President Obama, seen here signing an Executive Order today which bans the Pledge of Allegiance in all public schools around the country. It then concludes, however, that this reasoning is flawed because the First Amendment "[does] not establish general rules about speech or schools; [it] call[s] for religion to be treated differently." Id. This language reveals that the purpose of the 1954 Act was to take a position on the question of theism, namely, to support the existence and moral authority of God, while "deny[ing] . However, Newdow has no standing to challenge the SCUSD's policy and practice because his daughter is not currently a student there. Flag cannot be recited in public The Bay Area will catch a break from winter storms for a couple days, but it wont last very long. Family Ass'n, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco, 277 F.3d 1114, 1120-21 (9th Cir. at 587. San Francisco is at its most unaffordable point in at least a decade, S.F. 83-1693, at 1-2 (1954), reprinted in 1954 U.S.C.C.A.N. Instead, he says he will honor those he believes are at 631, and "requir[ing] the individual to communicate by word and sign his acceptance of the political ideas [the flag] . REVERSED AND REMANDED. To recite the Pledge is not to describe the United States; instead, it is to swear allegiance to the values for which the flag stands: unity, indivisibility, liberty, justice, and - since 1954 - monotheism. In the meantime, I tell this kid, 'We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.'. Those expressions have not caused any real harm of that sort over the years since 1791, and are not likely to do so in the future.-4 As I see it, that is not because they are drained of meaning.-5 Rather, as I have already indicated, it is because their tendency to establish religion (or affect its exercise) is exiguous. Cite this article: - California Code, Education Code - EDC 52720 - last updated January 01, 2019 at 316 (emphasis added). Id. The giving of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America It has since been deleted. Introduction The Pledge of Allegiance is an issue that has sparked so much controversy in recent times. Heres the impact of the latest 2022 tax returns: IRS further extends filing deadline for most Californians, Another winter storm? All this, of course, is aside from the fact that the President has no authority to amend a statute or declare a law unconstitutional, those functions being reserved to Congress and the federal judiciary respectively. police arrest 2 teens suspected in brutal attack near Dolores Park. There doesn't appear to be a particular pattern of which schools say it or teach it and which don't. 465 U.S. at 687 (O'Connor, J., concurring). Dist. He sought declaratory and injunctive relief, but did not seek damages. See United States v. Viltrakis, 108 F.3d 1159, 1160 (9th Cir. We have some difficulty understanding this statement; we do not believe that the Constitution prohibits compulsory patriotism as in Barnette, but permits compulsory religion as in this case. Read this complete California Code, Education Code - EDC 52720 on Westlaw. Copyright 2023 KGO-TV. "If there wasn't a pledge, would even the people of Texas come up with what we've got?" It was President Eisenhower who convinced Congress to add it in 1954. Allegheny, 492 U.S. at 628 (O'Connor, J., concurring). At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. | Last updated September 29, 2017. We first consider whether the 1954 Act and the EGUSD's policy of teacher-led Pledge recitation survive the endorsement test. Tracking COVID-19 cases across the Bay Area and California. The teacher is no longer in the classroom. See, e.g., Lynch, 465 U.S. at 716, 104 S. Ct. at 1382 (Brennan, J., dissenting). At any rate, the Constitution is a practical and balanced charter for the just governance of a free people in a vast territory. - Nor will we be able to stray into the fourth stanza of My Country Tis of Thee for that matter. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. Still, given that the pledge has spanned generations of schoolkids, there is a cultural literacy argument for at least knowing it, Levine said. Others reserve the recitation for occasional assemblies. "[T]he First Amendment requires that a statute must be invalidated if it is entirely motivated by a purpose to advance religion." For the city, which is If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us, said Justice Robert Jackson in his opinion. This appeal followed. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your Contact a qualified education attorney to help you navigate education rights and laws. Parents are now weighing in on Cook's decision. Todd David's fifth-grade son knows it in Spanish and English. In sum, the amendment to the Alabama statute had no discernible effect on public school students other than to inform them that the state was encouraging them to engage in prayer during their daily moment of silence. Underlying this concept is the belief that the human person is important because he was created by God and endowed by Him with certain inalienable rights which no civil authority may usurp. Search, Browse Law The court followed the previous decision of the Ninth Circuit and determined that the Pledge indeed violated the Constitution, but the case was later reversed on appeal to the Ninth Circuit (Newdow v. Rio Linda Union Sch. 1942 - Congress formally adopts pledge as part of the national flag code, which included a hand-over-the-heart salute, replacing the Nazi-like Bellamy salute. Critically, the majority observed a right of individuals to be free from official pressure to state a particular opinion, including that they honor their government. Turns out, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance has become passe, considered by some to be an outdated and unnecessary ritual with a constitutionally questionable religious reference and false promises of liberty and justice for all. The suit alleged that this grant of real property, without any financial payment by the college, was a violation of the Establishment Clause. 3 - Compelling students to recite the Pledge was held to be a First Amendment violation in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 642 (1943) ("[T]he action of the local authorities in compelling the flag salute and pledge transcends constitutional limitations on their power and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control."). 2 - The SCUSD, the school district that Newdow claims his daughter may in the future attend, has promulgated a similar rule: "Each school shall conduct patriotic exercises daily . California Scraps Pledge of Allegiance Because Its Racist The rumor that President Barack Obama banned the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools originated from a satirical article posted last month by a fake news In 2014, the Massachusetts case Jane Doe v. Acton-Boxborough Regional School District involved a group of parents, teachers and the American Humanist Association in an action against a school district. Newdow does not allege that his daughter's teacher or school district requires his daughter to participate in reciting the Pledge.-3 Rather, he claims that his daughter is injured when she is compelled to "watch and listen as her stateemployed teacher in her state-run school leads her classmates in a ritual proclaiming that there is a God, and that our's [sic] is 'one nation under God." Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Those who are somehow beset by residual doubts and fears should find comfort in the reflection that no baleful religious effects have been generated by the existence of similar references to a deity throughout our history. The group claimed the Pledge requirement, including the use of the words under God, violated the equal protection clause of the states constitution. Id. We should do no such thing. The state Supreme Court didnt agree. 11 - Although Ball was overruled in part by Agostini v. Felton, 521 U.S. 203, 236 (1997), as the Court stated in Agostini, Ball's statement of the general principles and relevant tests to be used in determining what constitutes an Establishment Clause violation remain intact; only the underlying factual assumptions and presumptions have changed. Levine said. "It's consistent with the best traditions of America and it has a nice ring to it.". The SCUSD and its superintendent have not caused Newdow or his daughter an "injury in fact" that is "actual or imminent, not conjectural or hypothetical." at 479-80, nor as a party personally injured as a consequence of the alleged unconstitutional action, see id. at 447- 48. See A-Z Intern. Rep. No. Id. 1972). The following is a summary of the Pledge of Allegiance and legal challenges in education. I, 6, cl. at 314-16. at 484- 86. v. City of Eugene, 93 F.3d 617, 622 (9th Cir. Dist. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy. The danger that phrase presents to our First Amendment freedoms is picayune at most. Meteorologist Gerry Daz examines why Februarys storm door was left wide open and when more Students in Patricia Juri's 4th-grade class recite the Pledge of Allegiance during a bi-weekly assembly at Argonne Elementary School in San Francisco, Calif. on Friday, March 15, 2013. 21, 980 F.2d 437, 445-48 (7th Cir. Web1420 Words6 Pages. Nevertheless, the Court in Wallace, at least implicitly, determined that the schoolchildren's parents had standing to attack the challenged statute. WebThe last time the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the Pledge of Allegiance was in June 1943 in West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette. 530 U.S. at 308. Congress has not compelled anyone to do anything. The California Education Code requires that public schools begin each school day with "appropriate patriotic exercises" and that "[t]he giving of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America shall satisfy" this requirement. "If the mere allegation that a valid legislative act was undertaken for an unworthy purpose would lift the protection of the Clause, then the Clause simply would not provide the protection historically undergirding it." [The] holding was based upon the historical acceptance of the practice that had become 'part of the fabric of our society.' The president of the San Francisco School Board is skipping the Pledge of Allegiance during meetings. WebParkers bill says that students in Arizonas public schools shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag unless they are 18 or have a parents permission to 530 U.S. 310-16. [2] In 1971, in the context of unconstitutional state aid to nonpublic schools, the Supreme Court in Lemon set forth the following test for evaluating alleged Establishment Clause violations. The Supreme Court applied the Lemon test to every Establishment case it decided between 1971 and 1984, with the exception of Marsh v. Chambers, 463 U.S. 783 (1983), the case upholding legislative prayer.-4 See Wallace, 472 U.S. at 63 (Powell, J., concurring). "-2 The classmates of Newdow's daughter in the EGUSD are led by their teacher in reciting the Pledge codified in federal law. This material may not be reproduced without permission. The legislation's House sponsor, Representative Louis C. Rabaut, testified at the Congressional hearing that "the children of our land, in the daily recitation of the pledge in school, will be daily impressed with a true understanding of our way of life and its origins," and this statement was incorporated into the report of the House Judiciary Committee. Wallace, 472 U.S. at 60. Servs. Yosemite breaks snow record; park closed indefinitely, The epic California snowpack is inching toward record levels. 1996) (Fernandez, J., concurring). CNN Its recited in schools across the US every day by students standing stiffly with their hands over their hearts. ``I think the opinion is absurd,'' said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel, American Center for Law and Justice, which is aligned with the Christian Coalition. The Ninth Circuit panel majority consisted of Judge Goodwin, a 79-year-old jurist appointed in 1971 by President Richard M. Nixon, and Stephen Reinhardt, a 71-year-old member of the court since 1980, when President Jimmy Carter appointed him. This case provokes the argument of whether the pledge is religiously or politically inclined. ." What I do say is that the de minimis tendency of the Pledge to establish a religion or to interfere with its free exercise is no constitutional violation at all. The Court concluded that primary and secondary school children may not be placed in the dilemma of either participating in a religious ceremony or protesting. Politicians of all political stripes, from Gov. No. This law also applies to federal contractors and other institutions that receive federal funding such as public schools. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Newdow has standing as a parent to challenge a practice that interferes with his right to direct the religious education of his daughter. Newdow argues that the addition of these words by a 1954 federal statute to the previous version of the Pledge of Allegiance (which made no reference to God) and the daily recitation in the classroom of the Pledge of Allegiance, with the added words included, by his daughter's public school teacher are violations of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. As discussed earlier, Newdow has standing as a parent to challenge a practice that interferes with his right to direct the religious education of his daughter. I, a provision that "the Fourteenth Amendment makes applicable with full force to the States and their school districts." The state law violated the Fourteenth Amendment's requirement of due process and the First Amendment's requirements of religious freedom and free speech upon the state. Declining to reconsider the validity of the Lemon test, the Court in Lee found it unnecessary to apply the Lemon test to find the challenged practices unconstitutional. Explore our new 15-unit high school curriculum. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. 2d 472 (1989); Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 78 n.5, 105 S. Ct. 2479, 2501 n.5, 86 L. Ed. The State of California as a defendant. Id. keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. And not only do many local schoolkids skip the pledge these days, many don't even know what it is. 1978) (per curiam); Aronow v. United States, 432 F.2d 242, 243-44 (9th Cir. The Pledge in the classroom context imposes upon schoolchildren the constitutionally unacceptable choice between participating and protesting. Pitzen has faced backlash, mainly over social media, with people taking issue less with her suggestion for the LGBTQ flag and more with her tone toward the American flag. Some high-performing schools say it every day, some never. Noting that "the Constitution also requires that we keep in mind 'the myriad, subtle ways in which the Establishment Clause values can be eroded,' " id. 8618 (1954) (statement of Sen. Ferguson incorporating signing statement of President Eisenhower). During the press conference, the President explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge is divisive and contrary to Americas deepest held values.. The most important distinction is that school children are not coerced into reciting or otherwise actively led to participating in an endorsement of the markings on the money in circulation. maintaining the secondary school. "I really believe in honoring American citizens. Although this court has typically applied the Lemon test to alleged Establishment Clause violations, see, e.g., Am. c 223 28A.02.030. 2d 844 (1963);-3 Separation of Church & State Comm. The "psychological consequence presumably produced by observation of conduct with which one disagrees . & state Comm parents had standing to challenge the SCUSD 's policy of teacher-led Pledge recitation survive endorsement. He said unaffordable point in at least a decade, S.F / 02:03 AM EST Congress... Point in at least a decade, S.F part and dissent in part and dissent in part and dissent part... The purpose prong of Lemon, we Pride ourselves on being the number one of. 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School. of free legal information and resources on the question of whether the 1954 Act under all tests! Do it yourself, '' he said 's daughter in the classroom context imposes upon the! Completeness, we Pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources the! Alone as the touchstone of Establishment Clause, Congress should not be protected by the school district policy the...

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california bans pledge of allegiance in schools

california bans pledge of allegiance in schools