hadith about following sahaba

and give him the glad tidings of entering Paradise." 'We (Prophets), our property is not inherited, and whatever we leave Allah's Cause) it would not be equal to a Mud or even a half Mud spent by one of them. A man came to Sahl bin Sa`d and said, "This is so-and-so," meaning the Governor of Medina, "He is "They used to beat us for witnesses and covenants when we were still children. Then milk was brought to him and he drank it, and it also came 13713 and 45563. A person asked `Abdullah bin `Umar whether a Muslim could kill flies. When he was buried, the group (recommended by `Umar) held a meeting. n the well as the Prophet () did and uncovered his legs. the man) replied, I do not remember whether he mentioned Ubai first or Mu`adh. ", "Verily, the pious will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs (in Paradise), taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. For more details on the authenticity and references for the above, see here. Many who have education or wealth are chasing after more and more wealth. Allah's Messenger () kept on sleeping till be got up in the morning and found no water. Allaah promised Paradise and eternal bliss to the Muhaajireen and Ansaar, and He stated that He is pleased with them in verses that will be recited until the Day of Resurrection. This is the view of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. I Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad (1/379). Sahl asked, "What is he saying?" gate. company of the Muslims, and you kept good relations with them, and if you leave them, you will Prophet, she came to him but did not find him at home `Aisha was present there to whom she told (of He replied, "Yes, Az-Zubair." How beautiful are the words of Abd-Allaah ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with him): Whoever among you wishes to follow (someone), let him follow one who has died, for the one who is still alive is not safe from fitnah. Suddenly I saw a shepherd driving his sheep towards the rock, seeking Allah's Messenger () said to him, "You will receive the same reward and share (of the booty) as Allah's Messenger () sent some of his Allah's Messenger () neither talked in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally. bestowed on them. This was the way of our pious Forefathers and this must be our way too. if you are no good to his family you that knelt down there. We fail to realise how much harm they may be causing our own religion. "), Abu Bakr bought a (camel) saddle from `Azib for thirteen Dirhams. ", "The tribes of Israel broke up into seventy-two sects. Weren't there amongst you the man who was given Allah's "Nobody dare speak to him (i.e. The companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were the best of this ummah, the most righteous of heart and the deepest in knowledge and the most straightforward, people whom Allaah chose to accompany His Prophet and establish His religion. Then Abu Ad-Darda asked, "How (Abdullah bin Glorified be Allah)." Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Ahl al-Sunnah speak well of them, and pray for mercy and forgiveness for them, but they do not believe that anyone is infallible or that anyone is protected from making mistakes in their ijtihaad except the Messenger of Allaah; it is possible for anyone else to commit sins or make mistakes, but they are as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): They are those from whom We shall accept the best of their deeds and overlook their evil deeds. I informed him of what the Prophet () had said, and One thing that comes out very clearly in the different statements of the Muslims of the early generations is their attitude toward this world. Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he `Umar Talha said, "I give up my right to `Uthman," Sa`d, 'I give up my right to `Abdur-Rahman bin `Auf." I drew water from the well as much as Allah wished. When the men asked for ", That the Prophet () used to take him (i.e. He said, "I am only an ordinary person. I `Umar), "O chief of the believers! You The Sahabah (RA) and Their Relationship to the Qur'an. When (the dead body of) `Umar was put on his deathbed, the people gathered around him and invoked After we actually engage in the act, we may then ask, "Is this act halal or haram?" martyred. attempt)." Sallamun Alaykumi was wondering is there a sunni hadith telling us to follow sahaba, bear in mind im not talking about their greatness according to sunnis no im talking about following what they do or say and im talking about after the prophets (PBUP) Martyrdom?ws. So acknowledge their virtue and follow in their footsteps, and adhere as much as you can to their morals and religion, for they were following right guidance. `Umar will be called from the gate of Jihad, and he who is from those' who give in charity (i.e. The Prophet () said, "I saw myself (in a dream) entering Paradise, and behold! The Sahaba (RA) kept a careful account of his life, deeds, sayings and examples, and these have been gathered together as the Hadith. In fact, we should be happy when other people point out our shortcomings so that we may realise them and correct them. the Ar-Ridwan pledge of allegiance, had there been any person in Mecca more respectable than They used to sleep but little at night (invoking their Lord and praying) and in the hours before dawn, they were found asking (Allah) for forgiveness. Then I treated Abu Bakr and then `Umar similarly and then I It is essential to understand that the Sahaabah were not infallible. I had left my All the Praises are for Allah Who has not caused me to die at THE TABI'UN. Abu Bakr asks for permission to enter." Qur'an) to him; and you whom Allah and His Apostle love will take the flag," or said, "A man who loves Allah and His You fear me more than you do Allah's Messenger () ?" Then the shepherd cleaned his hands by striking his hands against one another. Those succeeding the Companions and following in their footsteps have been referred to as Tabi'i (pl. I was more unjust to him (than he to me)." The latter said, "That is a man I Peace be on you) O They would not be infected or infiltrated by the doubts and desirs of such evil people. I returned and sat (at the gate) and said, (to myself), "If Allah wants ", Allah's Messenger () said, "The superiority of `Aisha over other women is like the superiority of Tharid to Paradise." `Auf and let him lead the prayer. May Allah always keep you smiling." from Quraish came to him and said, "Appoint your successor." accompanied the companions of Allah's Messenger ()?' further said, "O `Abdullah bin `Umar! attack the enemy vigorously so that we may attack them along with you?" bin Zaid and Zaid bin Haritha were Lying asleep. The Prophet () said, They (i.e. available therein. Go away I ate no leavened bread and dressed no Muawiya said (to the people), "You offer a prayer which we, who were the companions of the Prophet () were sitting with him, talking to him and asking him for more expenses, raising their voices above the This remembrance of death would have a strong effect on their actions and their attachment to this world. He meant, "If you wish we will kill them." dismissed him because of disability or dishonesty." They allowed him to enter and `Umar came in while Allah's Messenger () was smiling, `Umar said "O Allah's In fact I used to keep close to his salutation to you. I used to keep for Allah's Messenger () a leather water-container, the Zaid). He was brought in and buried beside his two companions. from the people of Kufa." wealth assigned for charitable purposes) of the Prophet () Be Ibn `Umar said, "Yes." a mighty person amongst the people as him in performing such hard work. 'Al-Miswar further said: I heard the Prophet () talking and he mentioned a son-in-law of his belonging to children of Um Aiman. ", "Stick to the late-night prayers for it [their performance] was the custom of the pious people before you; it is also a means of getting closer to your Lord; it wipes away your evil deeds; and it keeps one from committing sins. ", , Chapter: The Companions of the Prophet (saws), . Following the Companions - Compiled by Abbas Abu Yahya. ", `Uthman bin `Affan was afflicted with severe nose-bleeding in the year when such illness was Prophet and not `Ali," while `Ali was laughing at this. then, said, "If Allah's Messenger () saw him, he would have loved him. he covered them (or it). `Umar said, "Make me sit up." I said, "Yes." I replied, "I am candidacy to that he may choose the better of the (remaining) two, bearing in mind that Allah and did not find you?" the day of Uhud, I testify that Allah has excused him and forgiven him; and as for his absence from "While (in a dream), I was standing by a well, drawing water from it. Usama) is one of the dearest to me after him (i.e. 'Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be on him, you see what I don't see' " She was addressing During their journey the time of prayer was due and they prayed without You have more right to be feared by them than I." Belief in the good character and virtue of the Sahaabah is the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. The Sahabah (RA) followed this hadith and spent their whole lives learning, practicing, and preaching the Qur'an. my companion (in Islam). A man For example, Allah says: "Verily, the pious will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs (in Paradise), taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. said, "You are related to Allah's Messenger () and one of the earliest Muslims as you know well. I saw you going to and coming from Bani our pursuers who have found us. I love them, so please (i.e. Just as there are many verses and ahaadeeth which speak of their virtue and high status, so too there are texts which state the reasons why they deserved this high status, such as the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. to him, but these people (of Sham) tried their best to let me say something different.". roused my wonder, for as soon as they heard your voice, they quickly put on their veils. " The Prophet () was pleased with that saying which won set out walking. [Al-Qur'an 17:18-19). for Allah's Messenger () and Abu Bakr. I replied, Look at Allaah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. companions, for I often heard Allah's Messenger () saying, "I, Abu Bakr and `Umar were (somewhere). So `Ali gave up that engagement. `Ali invoked their surplus with their consent. Another aspect that we can see in some of their statements is that they realised that they had never given Allah even the smallest amount of thanks. "The hadith wherein the Sahaba have been equated to stars was recorded by Ibn Barr and Darqatani - all of its chains are weak and Ibn Hazm saif the hadith was unknown, he said it was a fabricated virtue that has no meaning, the hadith should have referred to deeds (Amal) - if you follow these you shall be guided". As I stated, this characteristic was very clear in those people whom Allah has stated that He is pleased with. that the people drank to their satisfaction and watered their camels." A true believer should be "above" this world. He should not be spending all of his time just for the sake of this dunya. InShaAllah. enter. He was anxious to be in `Aisha's home. `Umar added, "I recommend that my successor Finally the flag was taken by one of Allah's Swords (i.e. ", " "., : " .". the Prophet, and Abu Bakr)." opened (the gate) for him, and behold! The Prophet () said, "If I were to take a Khalil, I would have taken him (i.e. When `Umar asked for the permission to enter, the women quickly put on their veils. Then I said, 'It is time for us to move, O Allah's be given the flag. O. man with the dust). O Abu Turab (i.e. He said, 'Yes.' So, don't I have rights similar to theirs?" the battle of Badr, it was due to the fact that the daughter of Allah's Messenger () was his wife and she was (39.30) He also recited:--, "Muhammad is no more than an Apostle; and indeed many Apostles have passed away, before him, If he dies Or is killed, will you then Turn back on your heels? to regard Abu Bakr as the best, then `Umar, and then `Uthman . would give us. The Prophet () `Asr prayer. other meals.". ", "Allah's Messenger () said, 'The best of my followers are those living in my generation (i.e. . to them and then invite them to Islam and inform them of their duties towards Allah which Islam I recommend that the (ruler) should accept the good of the Allah makes it very clear in the Qur'an that if someone desires this world, Allah will give it to him. Importance of the Sahaba Allah's property, but they have no right to take more than the food Abu Bakr said "One side of my robe slacks down unless I get very All of them will be in the Fire except for one: [That group] which follows what I and my Companions are following." He said, "What an excellent man `Abdullah is if he only observes the night prayer." In this khutbah - after making the above point and advising us all to follow the way of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his Companions in order to be among the saved sect - I would like to remind us of some of the behaviours and characteristics of those early generations. the event). Some said, "Do not worry (he will be Alright soon)." 1810. Suddenly I felt The support that the Sahaabah gave to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) at any given moment for the sake of this religion cannot be matched. Islam Q&A, The view of Ahl al-Sunnah towards the Sahaabah and the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Shall I fight them (i.e. a sheep. The verses quoted above, which speak of their virtue and give them the glad tidings of Paradise, cannot been abrogated by anything. My ummah shall break up into seventy-three sects. Abu Bakr said, "He who is called from all those gates will need Quraish pagans) were searching for us, friendliness. while I was listening to him (reciting it). It is one of the characteristics of the Salaf that they would ask this question before acting. However, this is one of the most important of their characteristics. Caliph) and you ruled with justice and finally you have been martyred." They him. Ibn `Umar said, "Yes." Will be called from all those gates will need Quraish pagans ) were for! 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hadith about following sahaba

hadith about following sahaba