how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia

As this process matures, cyberspace planners will know what MRT-C and KT-C must be protected throughout all phases of the various scenarios in joint force plans and operations. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. Air Force Tech. The notion that Russia's 2016 effort to affect the U.S. presidential election was a Cyber or Political Pearl Harbor is an appropriate comparison only in the sense that U.S. officials were blindsided by Moscow's distinct approach to cyber warfare: an almost seamless blend of psychological and technical operations that differs from most Western concepts. Additionally, once all MRT-C and KT-C are identified, the information should be stored and shared using an existing secure database. One example of the Department of Defense's way to leverage the cyberspace enterprise to further the United State's interest in relation to NATO is to collaborate with international partners especially with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members. Russian military operators conducted what should be considered a more aggressive cyber campaign a year before their presidential election meddling, when they posed as CyberCaliphate, an online branch of ISIS, and attacked U.S. media outlets and threatened the safety of U.S. military spouses. If the goal of concluding a U.S.-Russian cyber treaty were to become more realistic, the U.S. authors conclude that buy-in from the U.S. legislative branch would be crucial and rules that narrowly focus on technical infrastructurefor example, forbidding illicit changes to ballots or hacks of election software and hardwaremay be the most palatable for both sides, as opposed to broader, more general rules. Lyle J. Morris, Michael J. Mazarr @MMazarr, et al. Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures, Backgrounder Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes. The U.S. authors believe that barring certain attacks on critical infrastructure would be the most important item to include in a bilateral rules-of-the-road agreement and, considering the unlikeliness of such an agreement anytime soon, this goal could be pursued outside the framework of a formal treaty as well. Pinterest. by Lindsay Maizland Stretch Film Division. We proceeded to formulate research questions (see Appendix 2) and seek out authors who could separately explore the American and the Russian perspectives on the cyber-treaty idea. Since the US has experienced successful and harmful cyber-attacks on the critical infrastructures, protecting the DOD cyberspace from adversaries is more important than ever. Navy Joint Cyberspace Organizations, Structures, Roles, and Responsibilities. Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas Elmendorf has announced that Kennedy School Professor Meghan OSullivan, a former senior national security advisor, will be the next director of the Center, beginning July 2023. An official website of the United States Government. Optimizing the mix of service members, civilians and contractors who can best support the mission. This will help to continue supremacy within air, land, and sea but never with cyber. Trey Herr is director of the Atlantic Councils Cyber Statecraft Initiative (@CyberStatecraft). Open and reliable access to the Internet is essential for global security and prosperity. Heres how: This means preventing harmful cyber activities before they happen by: Strengthen alliances and attract new partnerships. Points of leverage on the internet can shift at varying speeds, whether from defensive and offensive cyber actions or physical alterations to the internets topology. In the case of . Yet discourse on persistent engagement that seems to suggest a constant engagement on all parts of the network ignores the very idea of leverage that should be the foundation for the conversation itselfunderstanding how defensive and offensive actions can shift points of leverage on the internet. Despite Cyber Command's new authorities, Moscow's hackers are comparatively unfettered by legal or normative boundaries and have a far wider menu of means and methods in competing with the United States short of all-out war. USCYBERCOM has published a cyber warfighting publication (CWP) that outlines how to do this. [4] The DODIN is the biggest network in the world. History repeated itself when again, at civilian direction the Department of Defense was ordered to create a new Space Force. Whatever their similarities in cyber targeting, Moscow and Washington faced different paths in developing capabilities and policies for cyber warfare, due in large part to the two sides' vastly different interpretations of global events and the amount of resources at their disposal. CCMD commanders work in a stove pipe and procure technology that is best to meet the needs of their geographical area, but this does not help with standardization across the DOD. The Kremlin's cyber authorities, for instance, hold an almost immutable view that the United States seeks to undermine Russia's global position at every turn along the digital front, pointing to U.S. cyber operations behind global incidents that are unfavorable to Moscow's foreign policy goals. They use information operations, troop movements, proxy fighters, propaganda, diplomacy, economic pressures, and threats to coerce countries.Jim Garamone[2]. Washington could follow Moscow's lead in realizing that this is a long-term struggle that requires innovative and thoughtful solutions as opposed to reflexive ones. An official website of the United States Government. Jan / endangered animals in north america / Building dependable partnerships with private-sector entities who are vital to helping support military operations. Whether this is accurate or not, it is unarguable that the DOD, and every organization within it, needs to act right now to protect its cyberspace. Using insights from the Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) dataset, this policy brief by Ketaki Zodgekar outlines key trends in the use of sexual violence in Russias war against Ukraine between 2014 and 2021. The cost-benefit of their deployment favors the defender. Within a given cyberspace mission, different types of cyberspace actions can occur. Twitter. While the United States has displayed a growing willingness to launch operations against Russia, Moscow has somewhat bolstered its military cyber capacity by expanding recruiting initiatives and malware development. By no means should the Kremlin's activity go unanswered. At some point the U.S. and Russia may be able to undertake joint initiatives that build on areas of overlapping interests and concerns, for example combatting materially driven cybercrime. 1 "Defense Critical Infrastructure" refers to the composite of DoD and non-DoD assets essential to project, support, If ever a cyber rules-of-the-road agreement is signed, theU.S. and Russiawill have to think creatively about compliance verification, which is particularly difficult in the cyber domain. By Natasha Yefimova-Trilling and Simon Saradzhyan, In recent years, as news of U.S.-Russian tensions in the cyber domain has dominated headlines, some strategic thinkers have pointed to the need for a bilateral cyber rules of the road agreement. Both the U.S. and Russia are exposed to threats emanating from the cyber domain that can result in economic losses, political instability, erosion of public trust, extremist violence and other physical harm, as well as the destruction of military and civilian infrastructure. Full event video and after-event thoughts from the panelists. This step is critical to inform cyberspace defensive planning and operations. Yet on a much higher level, the incidents themselves and the debates that followed them provide reason to reassess U.S. cyber strategyand that includes making leverage a majorpart of understanding the tightening relationship between offensive and defensive activity on the internet. The most effective way to address these problems and our disjointness is by creating a separate cyber service. This then translates into a critical task for CSSPs. [5] In a nutshell, it simply involves following a missions data path across networks. [8] Joseph R. Biden Jr., Executive Order 14028, Improving the Nations Cybersecurity, Federal Register, Volume 86, No. Merely sitting on a chokepoint to collect information doesnt create leveragethat information needs to be translated into strategic action. 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138Locations & Directions, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, February 22, 2023 Please enter the text displayed in the image. Structure of a US-Russia Cyber Agreement 17 how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia. This statement could be a result of the DoD's limited . Like space, cyberspace is still a new frontier for military practitioners. Step-by-step explanation. The Defense Department could leverage the cyber domain to improve its understanding of the Chinese military. A separate service could exercise both law enforcement and homeland defense authorities only afforded to one other military service: the United States Coast Guard. In just a few years, Air Force Space Commands General John Raymond went from being an opponent of the Space Force to its first Chief of Space Operations![10]. These include: Protecting DOD Cyberspace, Now and Beyond. All CCMDs except for USCYBERCOM have ten roles and responsibilities assigned to them via the 2021 Unified Command Plan (UCP) for protecting their cyberspace and the one that is most applicable is: secure, operate, and defend tactical and constructed DODIN segments within their commands and areas of responsibility. Figure1: Cyberspace Operations Missions, Actions, and Forces. Streamlining public-private information-sharing. VA 4. Russias Approach to Internet and Information Regulation: Capabilities are going to be more diverse and adaptable. The CCMDs are supported for CO in their AOR or for their transregional responsibilities, with CDRUSCYBERCOM supporting as necessary. For their part, the Russians made a different historical comparison to their 2016 activity. For example, a unit executing a DODIN operations mission can be conducting cyberspace security actions (e.g. Autor; Categora public pools savannah, ga; Fecha . The CCMD-constructed networks are the only portion of the DODIN that the CCMD is directly responsible for. We cant do this mission alone, so the DOD must expand its cyber-cooperation by: Personnel must increase their cyber awareness. "It is the only country with a heavy global footprint in both civil and military. Special reports by expert journalists focus on defense budgets, military tactics, doctrine and strategy. Virtually all countries have access to some renewable energy resources (especially solar and wind power) and could thus substitute foreign supply with local resources. While all the authors describe steps that the two sides could take now, the U.S. authors devote considerable attention to five prerequisites they consider necessary for the start of future talks on bilateral cyber rules of the road: codified procedural norms (as noted above), the appropriate rank of participants on both sides, clear attribution standards, a mutual understanding of proportional retaliatory actions and costly signaling., The Russian author believes that Moscow must agree to discuss cyber-related topics in a military context. Home with Ivan Kanapathy, Bonny Lin and Stephen S. Roach Within each DOD component constructed network are thousands of subordinate networks, information technology equipment, tools and applications, weapon system technologies and data spanning across bases, posts, camps, and station levels. Focusing entirely on CO, and acknowledging that cyberspace effects can be delivered instantly from one side of the planet to the other, the DOD must work to ensure administrative processes do not hinder friendly defensive cyberspace operations (DCO) and that DOD cybersecurity is prioritized as part of the on-going global effort for us to act at the speed of relevance. 22201 The end state of all these initiatives is that DOD cybersecurity efforts have moved away from localized efforts and expertise, and transitioned to established cybersecurity standards across the DOD. However, this idea is not only unrealistic, with resource constraints (in personnel, target information, access to adversary networks, organizational capacity, etc.) The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U.S.-Russian contention in cyberspace cause the two nuclear superpowers to stumble into war? crucial to the global internets very function, exploit or protect those points of leverage. - War on the Rocks, How Russian cyberwarfare could impact Ukraine & NATO response, DOD's Cyber Strategy: 5 Things to Know - U.S. Department of Defense, NATO-INDUSTRY FORUM 2019 - BREAKOUT SESSION ONE Tasking, Collecting, Russia-Ukraine conflict: How NATO, Minsk accords factor into the crisis, DOD Official Outlines U.S. Nuclear Deterrence . (Photo by Josef Cole), Maj Eric Pederson (USAF), MAJ Don Palermo (USA), MAJ Stephen Fancey (USA), LCDR (Ret.) Finally, as noted above, the U.S. and Russian authors disagree on the likelihood of success should Washington and Moscow attempt to cooperate on combatting cybercrime. Additionally, the 2019 Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 1-19 Competition Continuum augments this concept with the idea of continual campaigning rather than a campaign. [7] Pomerleau, Mark, The Pentagon is moving away from the Joint Regional Security Stacks, C4ISRNET, November 1 2021, The process of identifying this terrain requires both technical understanding and knowledge of the commanders missions. [3] The Chinese are heading for global dominance because of their advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cyber capabilities, and that these emerging technologies were far more critical to Americas future than hardware such as big-budget fifth-generation fighter jets such as the F-35. China is using cyber espionage for military and economic advantages, Mortelmans said. by Lindsay Maizland Under current doctrine, securing cyberspace falls within the DODIN operations mission. remove adversary implanted malware), but their overall unit mission remains a DODIN operations mission. Until we do this we will never be standardized in any of our efforts for protecting the DOD and we will never attain cyber supremacy. Moreover, the U.S. authors wonder how to overcome the depth and nature of the mistrust in Washington in pursuing meaningful dialogue, since there is a perception that Moscow has denied capabilities and actions that the U.S. considers to be well established. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License. USCYBERCOM is the supported command for transregional and global CO and manages day-to-day global CO even while it supports one or more CCMDs. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - If you become aware of postings that violate these rules regarding acceptable behavior or content, you may contact NDIA at 703.522.1820. JFHQ-DODIN which is a component command of USCYBERCOM is the organization that is responsible for securing, operating, and defending the DOD complex infrastructure of roughly 15,000 networks with 3 million users. The SolarWinds incident spurred a flurry of debates about whether the U.S. Department of Defenses 2018 defend forward strategy should, or could, have prevented the calamity. (Figure 4). Creating competitions and other processes to identify top-tier cyber specialists who can help with the DODs toughest challenges. Cyber Bones of Contention in US-Russian Relations 37 [2] Garamone, Jim, Global Integration Seeks to Buy Leaders Decision Time, Increase Speed of Relevance, DOD News, July 2, 2018, "Dominance in cyberspace has been a strategic goal of the United States since the mid-1990s," the report notes. Sharing information with other federal agencies, our own agencies, and foreign partners and allies who have advanced cyber capabilities. Cybersecurity's most successful innovations, they wrote, have provided leverage in that "they operate on an internet-wide scale and impose the highest costs (roughly measured in both dollars and. The cyberspace domain itself cuts across all physical domains (land, maritime, air, and space) and historic adversary cyberspace activity has generally been below the level of armed conflict. That means a thorough strategy is needed to preserve U.S. cyberspace superiority and stop cyberattacks before they hit our networks. 3) Identify all MRT-C and KT-C: Identify what cyberspace terrain is relevant from a mission commander standpoint. While the Russian author believes that a risk of cyber-related escalation to kinetic conflict between Russia and the U.S. does exist (for instance, in the event of a cyber breach of the other sides weapons systems), the U.S. authors are hesitant to affirm the likelihood of such escalation as there have not yet been significant real-world examples of it and, more generally, the risks are still underexplored. In July 2020, the DOJ announced indictments against two malicious cyber actors associated with MSS for stealing terabytes of data, including data related to COVID-19 vaccination research, Mortelmans said. These concepts describe the approach required for the cyberspace domain. Agency Affected Recommendation Status; Department of Defense : The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the NNSA Administrator, should establish a joint risk management process to periodically identify, analyze, and respond to risks that affect the U.S. nuclear enterprise (including the nuclear weapons stockpile, delivery platforms, and nuclear command and control) and report, internally . While a formal, binding bilateral agreement is not possible now due to mutual mistrust, misunderstanding and stark differences in approaches to the cyber domain, necessary steps by Moscow and Washington include bilateral engagement, Track 2 and/or 1.5 dialogues and well thought-out confidence-building measures. Space Delta 10 The United States is arriving late to a showdown that many officials in Russian defense circles saw coming a long time ago, when U.S. policymakers were understandably preoccupied with the exigencies of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. Adopting standardized cybersecurity reporting practices such as the DOD cybersecurity analysis and review (DODCAR) methodology and cyber threat framework that provide effective, and readily digestible, cybersecurity risk information. Telling Black Stories: What We All Can Do. Question 1. We have only created a band-aid solution and pieced together the infrastructure with the cheapest possible solutions. But leverage is also a more widely useful concept for the internet and cybersecurity, and that notion should play a bigger part in discussions around U.S. cyber strategy. - Foreign Policy, Analysis & Opinions There are other efforts to modernize cybersecurity within the DOD (and the federal government as a whole) that are relevant to CCMDs and all DOD organizations. Cambridge, MA 02138 Amid joint Russian-U.S. efforts, the Working Group on the Future of U.S.-Russia Relationsrecommendedseveral elements of an agreement in 2016, among them that Russia and the U.S. agree on the types of information that are to be shared in the event of a cyberattack (akin to responses to a bio-weapons attack) and prohibit both automatic retaliation in cases of cyberattacks and attacks on elements of another nations core internet infrastructure. Most recently, in June 2021, a group of U.S., Russian and European foreign-policy officials and expertscalled forcyber nuclear rules of the road.. An attack is based on the effects that are caused, rather than the means by which they are achieved. Annual Lecture on China. Plain Writing Conclusions and Recommendations 63Conclusion: In Search of Understanding 65 Although the existence of a separate Air Force is no longer controversial, its creation was often characterized by resistance from within the military amidst advocacy from civilian political pressures. February 1, 2023 Yet, the services have their own network operating independently within the CCMD AOR and, therefore, the CCMD is unaware of all activities that could have an impact on their current and future operations. These DOD cyberspace efforts include standardizing network sensors, implementing tiered local/region/global data aggregation, using the data to establish role-based common operating pictures, implementing zero trust architecture, and possibly even establishing a cyber service to advocate cyber power with a separate voice within the military. Potential Basis for Cooperation 48 This will increase effectiveness. This will result in increased cyberspace command and control and decrease DOD security incident response times. In Washington, it seems too little effort is dedicated to understanding the complexity (PDF) of Russia's view of cyber warfare and deterrence. 2, 2021. Both the air and space domains offer historic parallels worthy of consideration. Renewing America, Backgrounder There are also cyber criminals who pose a growing threat from their use of ransomware to extort money from local and state governments as well as the commercial sector, she said. This backbone is the infrastructure that connects everything together across approximately 3,500 locations in 26 nations through terrestrial and undersea transport, satellite, mobile gateways, and multinational information systems. Training and Education Command(TECOM) But our competitors including terrorists, criminals, and foreign adversaries such as Russia and China - are also using cyber to try to steal our technology, disrupt our economy and government processes, and threaten critical infrastructure. Privacy Program, Army A cyberattack does not necessarily require a cyber response, she added. JFHQ-DODIN leads unified actions across all DOD for DODIN operations and defeats, denies, and disrupts cyberattacks against the DODIN. The Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff has primacy in external cyberspace operations, to include espionage, information warfare, and offensive cyberspace operations. Leverage in the internet ecosystem has been written about in many forms, including the costs and benefits of deploying particular cybersecurity technologies and the major parts of the global internet network that enable data flows. Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available. Speeding up the process to procure services such as cloud storage to keep pace with commercial IT and being flexible as requirements and technology continue to change. Joe Cheravitch is a defense analyst at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation. Information Quality Directly helping all networks, including those outside the DOD, when a malicious incident arises. Western analysts, fixated on untangling the now-defunct concept of the Gerasimov Doctrine, devoted far less attention to the Russian military's actual cyber experts, who starting in 2008 wrote a series of articles about the consequences of Washington's perceived militarization of cyberspace, including a mid-2016 finale that discussed Russia's need to pursue cyber peace with the United States by demonstrating an equal information potential.. Violent extremist organizations use cyber to recruit terrorists, raise funds, direct attacks and distribute gruesome propaganda online, she mentioned. Chris Smith, members of the Connecticut National Guard's Joint Cyber Response Team, assist the city of Hartford, Conn., information technology team, Sept. 9, 2020, in recovery efforts following a ransomware attack that occurred Sept. 4, 2020. This is also the case for combatant commands with functional responsibilities since many global capabilities are provided by the military services. Definitions of cyber-related terms need to be clarified as much as possible. Increasing the diplomatic costs of Russian cyber aggression, shoring up cyber defenses, or even fostering military-to-military or working-level diplomatic channels to discuss cyber red lines, however discretely and unofficially, could present better choices than apparently gambling with the safety of civilians that both sides' forces are sworn to protect. Points on which the Russian and U.S. authors agree: Points on which the Russian and U.S. authors disagree: Points on which the respective authors cover ground that their counterparts do not: Introduction 1 Sgt. The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. Crucial to the Internet is essential for global security and prosperity nutshell, it simply involves following a missions path... 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how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia

how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia