losing isaiah i threw him away monologue

It is based on the novel of the same name by Seth Margolis. Second Place Winner! Be a good boy, Ringo. No, I have not told him yet, I was just telling him about our medical and dental plans before you interrupted me. A clap of thunder so loud it shook the very ground beneath my feet. I just hope he doesnt bring his helmet. But, through the numbness, I still manage to find a way to cry. So, then she held up my coffee and acted all apologetic like everything was gonna be fine. (beat) If you dont want to get eaten, why did you climb into my cave in the first place? Now, behave Officer, I dont think the security cameras would appreciate a cop lunging at a student. Stab the metal box, girl, or begone from this class! Oh! Ill make them feel loved. This paper that will destroy my GPA. My purpose is to defeat the dark matter plaguing the universe. (falls dramatically to the floor) I thought you loved me. Im trapped in here! Cerritos Mall No, sir crocs are not a 911 emergency, however I do appreciate your concern because they truly are a real FASHION CRIME. I just want to say to them, Look you little two-timing molded fruit cakes, I am NOT obsessed with celebrities! The truth is, I only in love with ONE! You tell him no and hope he gives up. The last thing I saw was stars. Everything I just said. And mom all of a sudden acted concerned and felt my forehead to see if I was sick. Im Brock Bruce, and I am here to tell you why I, Brock Bruce, your hardworking Walmart stock boy of 28 years deserves a promotion. Its not ok, its not right. (Turns back to the phone and walks away) You have got to be kidding. Ms. Daniels is reading a book. When I confronted him, he said it was his mom. You young whipper-snippers dont know how lucky you are! I have awesome parents. Second Place Winner! But the only time I feel happy and content is when Im on heroin, so I dont know if Im ever gonna get off it. Im just in this circle of unhappiness because I dont look like I want to. (pause) Fine, fine, Ill ask. The poor woman gorged herself on it and thats what killed her. I thought it was normal to be scared around food. I wanted to lie in the grass in my backyard and give my kids advice and teach them life lessons. I threw it back. Charlie from science, right? Wait, what? Your melting. But your voice sounds so sad sometimes that it frightens me. Losing Isaiah: Official Clip - What About Love? I keep thinking Everything is in Gods hands. Think. I work hard to be funny, but to not be known as the funny friend. I work hard to be sporty, but not too sporty, to be artsy but not too artsy, to be quirky but to make sure that my quirks are normal. So, my eyes arent even open when I take a shower and wash my hair. So, no friends at school, and treated like crap at home, I guess I was set up to be more prone to fighting and self-harm. Theres no way to get them off there. Id made the wrong decision. Is that what you see? Of course, she had no clue. Do you even eat? thin. I learned how to speak in a British accent for my audition and sang in one too! Wow. I love you, just keep your distance and we wont have any altercations. I can hear the angels. All they do is argue. Let me tell ya, big mistake. That his biological mother, on finding out he's alive, tries to reclaim him seems normal. "He'll tell you Jessica and Halle gave him problems, not Marc. The last thing I remember is trying to duck from the horrific sounds coming from the other end of the field. Then you made me laugh and after that you always came back. After I fell, I was in a coma for two weeks. He has snooped on Terras open laptop at home and discovered Terras plans to escape to the pub with Tink and Cyn. Because I doubted myself and got tired. But he was dead. Or maybe the perfect day would be playing with my cousin at my old house with no chaos or drama to disrupt it all. Okay, you dont believe me? She can be scary sometimes. You could die today and hed still breathe the same, suffer the same. You probably read that. I dont like chocolate. Actor should play the song listening for the misinterpreted phrase and actually sing it during the monologue. Ill never accept my mothers apologies or my friends or strangers who just bump into me on the street. Did you hear that? (practically throws phone) Leslie? Our kind isnt any different from your kind. No matter how hard I try to discover the secret of what goes on in the mind of a female, it will forever be a mystery. Apparently, they thought Aladdin was the standout character. Okay, I will not cry. Send us the link to the YouTube video, or the mp4 file. Third Place Winner! Needless to say, youre officially out of gum, unless you count the piece stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Saying hi on the way to class. Dont you dare move a muscle. Even when I lost ten pounds, or when the clothing was their style! But thats okay. Done. Rest in peace little Missy, my pretty kitty, Ill never forget you. The one she kept hidden in an old toaster oven in the bottom cabinet. I look around and try to figure out what on this good green Earth could possibly warrant such a horrible sound when the childs mother looks at me with the tired eyes of one who deals with a three-foot-tall chimpanzee all day. I started laughing and crying at the same time. So, tell me where did you get it? I saw her on the edge of her balcony. There are 36 people in my English class. By:Philip G., Age 13, New Mexico, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen wishes to overcome his/her fears. Movies. Its a side of her we havent seen before the real her. Instead, it is to compliment and add my own translation of the scene. The only time I have fun with him is when we gang up on our other neighbor. I shut my eyes tight and just kept hoping everything would just go away. (Laughs humorlessly) Its funnybecause I really am so tired of being alone. Sometimes, when I see the nurses running by with patients on gurneys, or when I hear heart monitors making that long beeping sound, I wonder if that will happen to me. Funny how these things work. You got that from me, you got that from me.. Hes managed to start speaking English and asks Tina to give him a proper funeral. He often pleads with me to trust him and whatever, but that always leads to arguments. Maybe Ill just watch some TV. They decided to go on an adventure because they had been bored at home all day. No? Yeah, twelve. Now all of a sudden you find yourself leaving elementary going to middle school. But look, you really shouldnt make fun of the homeless. He and his co-conspirators are discussing how and when they should kill him, and Brutus has some strong opinions. (pause) Mom, I will not wave at the camera, I have a reputation to uphold. I love a guy in uniform. Every time we get to a new farm we set up a tent that we will live in. You can go. Ill just give him the answers for the test. Not black. Howard is unaccepting of her and refuses to believe that death is ever for the best. If I fail my chemistry test today, or spill Pepsi on my dress at prom, or flunk my first job interview, or anything else that can and will go wrong in the next week, the same rain that is soaking through my socks right now will carry on. He (starts to tear up) tells me how much he misses your laugh almost every day. Sally Field plays MLynn, a member of a close-knit group of southern friends. Hello? I dont remember him much, but I can see it in his eyes when I look at pictures of him. By: Sanjana Bhahirathan, Age 13, Sydney, Australia Description: A bunny finds itself in a lab that tests animals. But, thats just how it turned out. My mom says everything will be okay, but I overheard my dad saying to her that it wont. By: Madison Fannin, Age 15, Tennessee, USA Description: A child confronts their family after being ignored for two weeks. Honestly, it would have to be when I was six or seven years old. Take that, clock! You were old. Or say something like, Im fine, even though they are definitely not fine. I mean the fur and the teeth are really authentic. With director Stephen Gyllenhaal almost hysterically overusing the camera crane and other visual hypos, the tragic scenario is played out of Chicago ghetto fringe dweller Khaila Richards' (Halle . Even when we fought it wasnt so bad, because we loved each other, and we couldnt stay mad for too long. Its so helpless cant you see? Ed is visited by the memory of his daughter Kristen who airs her grievances while he tries to drown her out by playing his trumpet. It I was desperate to be accepted by either group. (turns back to the audience) I wasnt supposed to shout it. All my scratches, scrapes, and slices are. Bitter fate of my people, bitter my name, bitter tears were shed by the dying, how many people drank their fate with bitter vodka, so many Mariias in the world, that forever people remember their sufferings and do not repeat mistakes. Third Place Winner! Ive liked you for quite some time now and have decided to confess my feelings. And this pelo! They then continued and found an awesome hammock that one of the sisters wanted to take a nap on but her other sisters insisted that they keep moving. (pause) Why would you say that Samantha?! (pause) Man. Think about our siblings who are growing up how we did is that what you want for them? You cant just sit around all day and wait for things to get better. Got a two hunderd and five dollars so far. I know youre probably wondering why Im drenched in coffee, so Ill start from the beginning. Oh, and Im really looking forward to spring break. This is the first day Ive been clean in four years. Its delusional! She went to his funeral, an event none of the other three attended. Come do the dishes! I cant come over tonight. Some girls like to think that they can be special snowflakes, but theyre all idiots! It was a big white room. I saw her hand the salesman a small piece of paper with no words. When athletes play through pain of losing a loved one, it reveals their humanity. Ive adored the little rascals since I could say the word. Im happy I live here. First Place Winner By: Caroline F. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Age 15 Gender:Any Genre:Comedy Description:A teenager makes fun of his/her moms choice in music. Lets carve him as a dish fit for the gods, Like if you wear makeup, you know you look good. Heck, Ive worked here 28 years and I cant get this darned promotion. Yes, I will. All right. Thanks for remembering. I mean look at what I have. Losing Isaiah is a 1995 American drama film starring Jessica Lange and Halle Berry, directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal. You people! It feels like a perfect fit. And I need to point out that in no way did I encourage this. I am the monster under my bed. So, if I could just use your phone, By: Scarlett Longo, Georgia, USA, Age 14 Description: A teen tells her diary about her worst day yet. Two sticks of gum. Does she deserve him, whose to say, just because she made a mistake and almost killed him doesn't mean she loves him any less right??? Look at all these scratches! Jane, put that cell phone away! I'm fucking mad. I rushed to their room and saw him hovering over her, hitting her over and over. My brother gets the whole day on the internet. Because, there is no one. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. When humans were created, I snuck some things of my own into that pot. For years now Ive played the lottery. / We rowed across the Hudson at dawn / My friend, William . So yeah, thats how I ended up with bright green hair, my face painted like a giraffe, and a three-legged beagle. The night before Xias deportation, she visits her brother in prison. In reality, the baby has been adopted by a warm-hearted social worker, Margaret Lewin (Jessica Lange), and her husband, Charles (David Strathairn). Thats what I wanted my normal to be. For foils sakes, children, raise your hands! I created them. Youre my role model, my hero, my everything. And this is how I imagined my marriage proposal would be: (Girl imitates future husbands voice; kneels on the floor, romantically) You are the love of my life. Last night I googled stuff about psychologists. Break the school record in track and field? When I was your age, I wasnt in a wealthy little suburb- I grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. They kept increasing the dose, but it just felt the same. Its just little things that dont seem racist as a kid, until youre way older, and then you realise, wow (pause), the world sucks. I guess I was wrong! Oh, Felicia, can you please adjust your screen so we can see you and not your forehead? Second Place Winner By: Brooke E., Little Rock, Arkansas, Age 14 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: A snobby fencing instructor gets a comeuppance. I cant make sense of it. Second Place Winner! Third Place Winner! Jessie! Be an artist. That you mean far less than little to someone, someone who doesnt kiss the earth below you. Well, working for Mr. Rupert has its challenges. I just want to go home, man. I was so excited that I told Tom about it, and yknow what he said? Maybe someday Ill be brave enough to ask his name and invite him into the library. We would thank God for the food on our table, the roof over our heads and our wonderful family. Would you stop screaming, I am not going to hurt you. Why dont you just call the police then? But that is strikingly less noble. And you can go get a shovel. They may be used for educational settings without asking for permission. Maybe I should make it about love or something. Even if he tracks me down, he got no rights. Once you select Rent you'll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it. My life is useless anyway. Meantime, Hades, my new husband, persuaded me to eat six pomegranate seeds. I learned my lesson last week. I first maneuvered that path when I was younger than most of you are now. I accidentally did ask you one time. But trust me, what youre doing now Ray, its not living. So that is my story, and also the story of how we have the seasons. I am done with love. (Opens book and begins reading again.) At a time like this, she is just sitting there reading? Losing Isaiah (6/9) Movie CLIP - I'm His Mother (1995) HD Upload, share, download and embed your videos. We ran out of money and he was calling, begging, his voice thick as honey. Maybe ten. She was like (Turns dramatically to the side, lowers glasses and hunches over, shaking a finger, mimicking granny.) He especially likes to pick on smart kids, and Im telling you this because I can already tell that you are smart. Well, I dont want to focus on him right now. You said someone stole your crocs? Genre: Comedic. I know you said to stay strong and to take care of the family for you, but it is hard. Embarrassed? But I swear, if I get this promotion I will be the hardest worker youve ever had. Cleaning chocolate poo is not in the elf job description! He totally knows I am coming. Just promise you wont make fun of me. I cant believe it. I try not to have any real friends; they just judge me drag me down. Losing Isaiah Reviews. Girl, I was ready to go to jail (laugh) I swear the craziest things always happen to me. I love you too. Dont worry, it wont take long. Its a story not about race, but about LOVE and how one and even two can love someone so much. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic, (Character sits at the edge of a hospital bed.). Now, I think I know the cure. That is not good for two reasons: 1) Its getting hot in here. I cant have Kayley-Anne drinking out of a frog-infested cup. I only had my pajamas I slept in, so I wore them, as you can see. Romeo thinks his love Juliet is dead. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. And vote for Dean. Julia, a friend of the deceased girl, lets audiences in on her own personal journey through the loss. People used to live without power all the time. (pause) No, mom. Waithowd a bunch of capital letters get in here. A comment was made that this movie has a bad ending. (Flips card over.) Im really fine. (Sit back down and smile.) Youre all worried about me! Wed create imaginary worlds, complicated worlds, under the moon. I wonder what my future self will say to me one day. (Rolls the window up, and resumes talking to friend on speakerphone.) Not to mention that my mom would kill me. (Throws paper on ground and leaves the podium.). They hide their scars by making others bleed. In the basement of the inn, a small sealed box sits in the center of the room. Ross also likes to do things like stuff mashed potatoes down your shirt at lunch. THEYRE COMING FOR US! Now explain to me why youre okay with that. Youd think Id be surprised, but I wasnt. It was monstrous to simply wrench the 4 year old boy out of the only home he's ever known and plunk him down in a totally alien environment. I am so lost. Well, this is one of those moments. Okay, I can see why you might think Im a villain, but I swear on my cat that Im not! Mostly, I think about Thomas, and how if I would have been paying attention at the river, he would stillhe wouldbe here. Ty and Vic told stories to each other when they were small girls; they also had a penchant for setting traps for each other. I mean, what you dont know cant hurt you, right? Thats unfortunate because my cat really wants to come with me on the blimp. Girls, you know how most of the time things dont fit right, and you leave with two things out of ten? Her sorrow compounds on itself the longer she speaks, and she apologizes for secluding herself during a time when he (and she) needed someone the most. (pacing, pacing) Let me know when you can hear me. Have I tried it, you ask? It has been a hard couple of weeks without you. You pushed me to be brave and to stand up for myself, and through it all, you were there. Shopping. LaTanya Richardson plays Caroline Jones, the attorney Kadar Lewis squares off against in court; in real life, Richardson and Jackson are married.CREDITS:TM \u0026 Paramount (1995)Cast: Halle Berry, Regina TaylorDirector: Stephen GyllenhaalProducers: Kimberly Brent, Naomi Foner, Hawk Koch, Sharon OwyangScreenwriter: Naomi FonerWHO ARE WE?The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. I say, no problem, blue has always suited me, its my signature color. Those were the days when I didnt feel anxiety or sadness. (Pause.) I messed with her head with, Im older I shoulda known better, I shoulda done better. Yes, this is an emergency. Are you joking? In any case, Ill keep you posted. No! His name. Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. The same goes for voting and leadership. According to my parents and all the teachers, my sister, the class president, the popular kid, the star student, is excellent and never does anything wrong. My parents know. When she went back another day to buy bread, he had a complimentary note hidden in the bottom of the bag. Im just interested in someone else. This summer the air conditioner broke in our SUV so shes been rolling down the windows, but that isnt stopping her from singing at the top of her lungs. With people skating, skiing, sledding, having fun in the snow, making snowmen, feeding penguins! I began to tear up, and you just opened your eyes and smiled. Whats that? I just couldnt take it anymore, you know? No need to write to us ahead of time. I know you have a right to privacy and you dont have to tell me anything. I catch you so much as sniffing around it, youll be sorry. He was out as usual and I heard his truck sputter into the driveway. The first . By: Thandie C., Age 12, USA Description: A middle-schooler talks about racism among children/kids from their point of view, in front of their class for an English assignment. What things you may ask? Instead of writing down the numbers, I downloaded multiple calorie counting apps and fasting apps. All those plays that won't get written now. I never thought twice about it when kids at school would ask how I got them. Do you know how to reverse climate change? I tried on the cutest things. And its hard, it really is. Then he took me to his Underworld, which meant everything stopped growing on the top of the ground. Genre: Comedic. Piper: (20's/30's) Dina. Well, good morning world. What should I write? Climbing the big birch tree was her favorite past time. If you say so. I wasnt surprised. Take that, Hannah! I only called him Sticky Ricky when I was angry with him. Hes the one missing out on the future Miss Universo. (Pause.) I remember grabbing his hand again, it was still warm. (React to thought of what could happen to dogs.) MLynn has a daughter who is diabetic and pregnant. I mean what else are you supposed to do when the most attractive guy you know finally gives you the time of day? My name is Jeanine Brefcyznki and I know that those are two very polar, funny sounding names but thats just me! But yeah, so vote for me. Listen, ye squirrely would-be crookit dunnot work the way ya think. My chemistry teacher just walked out of class. Anyways, whats in my file? The next day when the computer asked me to order it food, I didnt question it and ordered that food right away. Oh my God, I might starve. Even if it's minimal.AND If you're a fellow thespian, I encourage you to do the same.Hope you enjoy my interpretation. I put my hands onto the freezing car window and saw that my keys were inside of the car! I typically spend about two hours a day here at the library after school, then I either head to violin, lacrosse, or karate. My mom told me that she had begged him not to go. But, Rickys not as sand paper rough as he comes off. We just lost thousands of dollars and youre sorry? I am the President. Hey did I ever tell you that you remind me of my dog? Im going off to college next week, and I cant take you with me. And liposuction and face-liftsanything. Widowed during the Vietnam War at a very young age, Sarah shares her sorrow with her two neighbors, Venita and Maggie. Well, maybe my mom. Oh my god! What if I fall in, what happens then? HE WASNT NICE! No matter how hard it is for me to admit, because I love my life. Sorry, I meant how is he for you? Just please dont yell at me again. I read the label on the front of it aloud. My parents did not take the news well at the time, and they didnt really help. I never wanted to marry him. When I look at myself in the mirror, I dont see my looks. No wonder he left me. Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal. It did give me a lot. And my old childhood friend would still be kind to me. High class rank, Honor Society every teachers favorite. Send videos here: contact us. What they dunnot tell ye is that my gold is buried deep below. I uhIm not sure exactly where to start. Finds a candle. Ah! Here, have a cup of tea. I had no idea what they could need to talk to us about, but we all sat on the couch anyway. Pretty kitty, Ill ask will not wave at the time of day where did you get?. But that always leads to arguments shares her sorrow with her two neighbors, Venita and Maggie back the... 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Sydney, Australia Description: a bunny finds itself in a coma two! Working for Mr. Rupert has its challenges ordered that food right away when... Up for myself, and Im really looking forward to spring break had my pajamas I slept,! Has snooped on Terras open laptop at home and discovered Terras plans to escape to phone...

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losing isaiah i threw him away monologue

losing isaiah i threw him away monologue